December 19, 2007 at 2:03 am
Hi once again. I found a nice script on this site for Auditing SQL
When I ran this it returned a number of 'Orphaned' server logins to various databases (see attached file 'AuditLog.txt)).
Can anyone if this will cause problems (currently system is not 'Live').
Can these 'Orphaned' logins be easily removed?
Any advice as always very much appreciated.
Many Thanks,
A neutron walks into a bar. "I'd like a beer" he says. The bartender promptly serves up a beer. "How much will that be?" asks the neutron. "For you?" replies the bartender, "no charge."
Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar. One says, 'I think I've lost an electron.' The other says 'Are you sure?' The first says, 'Yes, I'm positive... '
Tommy Cooper
December 19, 2007 at 12:59 pm
Be careful of your terms. Orphaned users are users in a database that have no server login associated with them. They will not typically hrut anything and can be easily removed with:
I don't know what an orphaned login would be, but it would probably be bad.
December 19, 2007 at 2:44 pm
Having orphaned users is not a good thing, but luckily is not that big a deal; unless you are the user trying to access the application or database 😀
SQL has some neat functionality to detect and repair orphaned users. More info can be found at
All-in-all, orphaned users should be maintaned properly and not doing so could cause users and yourself more headaches down the road.
December 19, 2007 at 2:54 pm
Thanks for the response guys. Did you review the attached file?
I will follow the links provided.
Many Thanks,
A neutron walks into a bar. "I'd like a beer" he says. The bartender promptly serves up a beer. "How much will that be?" asks the neutron. "For you?" replies the bartender, "no charge."
Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar. One says, 'I think I've lost an electron.' The other says 'Are you sure?' The first says, 'Yes, I'm positive... '
Tommy Cooper
December 20, 2007 at 6:20 am
My review of the attached file is that the formattng is awful...
December 20, 2007 at 8:53 am
You are right, just looked myself! It was not like that when I reviewed it locally.......honest!
I will have another go.
A neutron walks into a bar. "I'd like a beer" he says. The bartender promptly serves up a beer. "How much will that be?" asks the neutron. "For you?" replies the bartender, "no charge."
Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar. One says, 'I think I've lost an electron.' The other says 'Are you sure?' The first says, 'Yes, I'm positive... '
Tommy Cooper
December 20, 2007 at 3:44 pm
you are missing the Logins..
* Noel
December 21, 2007 at 4:48 am
[Quote]You are missing the Logins[/Quote]
How do I rectify or clear (purge)? Or maybe it is not a problem?
A neutron walks into a bar. "I'd like a beer" he says. The bartender promptly serves up a beer. "How much will that be?" asks the neutron. "For you?" replies the bartender, "no charge."
Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar. One says, 'I think I've lost an electron.' The other says 'Are you sure?' The first says, 'Yes, I'm positive... '
Tommy Cooper
December 28, 2007 at 1:48 pm
Here are my notes on dealing with (detecting and correcting) Orphaned Users. Everything should work with SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005.
PRB: "Troubleshooting Orphaned Users" Topic in Books Online is Incomplete
Steps To Resolve Orphaned Users
1. Run the following command for the orphaned user from the preceding step:
Use Northwind
sp_change_users_login 'update_one', 'test', 'test'
First, make sure that this is the problem. This will lists the orphaned users:
--SQL 2000
--SQL 2005
-- USE
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Report'
If you already have a login id and password for this user, fix it by doing:
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix', 'user'
If you want to create a new login id and password for this user, fix it by doing:
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix', 'user', 'login', 'password'
This is more of a note for my server administrators. Every time they restore
databases for past projects they recieve error on unable to connect to login
id associated with database. Now when they click on users in database they
can see them but cant access them.
The problem is associated with orphan users hence simple problem calls
for simple solution:
Step 1 : Login using Super Admin into Query Analyzer
Step 2: select database which has been restored
Step 3: Run following command "sp_revokedbaccess 'username' "
Step 4: Run following command "sp_droplogin "
The user will be deleted and then you can create a new account and link
it back to database.
How to resolve permission issues when you move a database between servers that are running SQL Server.
For more information, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
274188 ( "Troubleshooting orphaned users" topic in Books Online is incomplete
246133 ( How to transfer logins and passwords between instances of SQL Server
168001 ( User logon and/or permission errors after restoring dump
298897 ( SAMPLE: Mapsids.exe helps map SIDs between user and master databases when database is moved
December 29, 2007 at 2:25 am
Thanks Damon.
A neutron walks into a bar. "I'd like a beer" he says. The bartender promptly serves up a beer. "How much will that be?" asks the neutron. "For you?" replies the bartender, "no charge."
Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar. One says, 'I think I've lost an electron.' The other says 'Are you sure?' The first says, 'Yes, I'm positive... '
Tommy Cooper
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