Orphaned Users

  • Is there an alternative to running sp_change_users_login to fix each orphaned user because I have almost a hundred orphaned users!


  • You can update the system tables directly.

  • Hi Kory,

    Please can you explain how to this?


  • Why wont sp_change_users_login work for you? What are your permissions on the server/database?

    If you have 'sysadmin' role I recommend using 'auto fix'. If you are dbo in the database referenced I recommend generating dynamic sql per user using the 'Update_One' option

    You must have 'sysadmin' for this method and updating system objects outside of delivered procedures is dangerous and should not be done. I would not conduct it without an experienced understanding of what you are doing and have a good backup!

    sp_configure 'allow updates', 1


    Reconfigure With OverRide


    /* Update dummy db users sid to login sid */

    Update dbo.sysusers

    Set sid = sl.sid

    From master.dbo.syslogins sl

     Inner Join userdb.dbo.sysusers su

      On sl.name = su.name

    Where su.name = 'dummy'

    sp_configure 'allow updates', 0


    Reconfigure With OverRide


  • Select 'Exec sp_change_users_login ''Update_One'','''+su.name+''','''+su.name+''''

    From master.dbo.syslogins sl

     Inner Join dbo.sysusers su

      On sl.name = su.name

    Where su.uid > 2

  • IMHO it would be better to write a loop that would start sp_change_users_login for each user. I found one script that we used on a DB restored for testing purposes. Not sure whether this is precisely what you need, but it should at least help you to understand what I mean:

    DECLARE @name AS varchar(50)

    DECLARE cr_logins CURSOR FOR

    SELECT name FROM master..syslogins WHERE name IS NOT NULL

    OPEN cr_logins

    FETCH NEXT FROM cr_logins INTO @name



      PRINT @name

      EXEC master..sp_change_users_login 'update_one', @name, @name

      FETCH NEXT FROM cr_logins INTO @name


    CLOSE cr_logins

    DEALLOCATE cr_logins

    BTW, this is exception, otherwise I avoid cursors - but it makes little difference what you use to start a simple sp over and over.


    EDIT : I didn't see the last post by Kory when I wrote this one, and was referring to the updating of system objects when I said that this would be better. If Kory's last solution works, then don't bother to read my post at all

  • Thank you both, works perfectly.


  • Hey, Great code here - feeding the userlist without use of a cursor, I love that!   However, a question:  Isn't this running the procedure for all users whether or not they need relinking?  ie.  Ultimately, we would only run this procedure for the list of users returned using the 'Report' option.   I am researching the system values now to determine how I could do this, but do you have a way to limit this calll to only run on unlinked users, the ones returned in the 'Report' option of this proc?


  • That is correct edit the Master or if it is from a restore operation rerestore it is faster than editing the Master.  Hope this helps.

    Kind regards,

    Gift Peddie

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • I wanted to pass something by everyone - I think I have a pretty good way to handle all databases on a server.  One difficulty with this of course is the blasted restriction on the "USE" command in SPs.  However, there is the undocumented sp_MSForEachDB proc that can, in many cases, get around this.

    This is the simple proc that makes the call - I chose autofix instead of the update_one since I want to handle updates to the logins and use the sysuser database as the "master" not the syslogins.  Also, one important "trick" if you are not aware of it.  You must change databases based on the current parm value of the msForEachDb proc, otherwise your proc will execute once for each database but for the same database! the USE command with the "?" directive delimited by semicolon for multiple commands works just fine here. (I included a display on the dbname as well).  This pattern should be handy to anyone needing to loop through databases and run procs that need to work on the "current" database.  To my knowledge, the "unlinked" users are simply users with a different sid than the master.  We simply want to match it, and this accomplished this nicely.   Comments appreciated.

    First, the driver procedure to loop through the databases -


    Create PROC uspSearchDBServerForOrphans


    Exec sp_MSForEachDB 'USE ?;select db_name();EXEC uspSearchForOrphans '


    CREATE PROC uspSearchDBServerForOrphans


    declare @UserName varchar(50)

    declare #curUsers CURSOR


    select SU.name from Sysusers SU

      Right Outer Join master.dbo.syslogins SL

      On SL.name = SU.name

       and SU.sid <> SL.sid  -- Same rowset as 'Report' option

      where su.uid > 2

    open #curUsers

    fetch next from #curUsers into @UserName

    while @@fetch_status = 0


           exec sp_change_users_login @action = 'auto_fix', @usernamepattern = @UserName

           fetch next from #curUsers into @UserName


    close #curUsers

    deallocate #curUsers



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