November 20, 2013 at 8:54 am
waxb18 (11/20/2013)
Im ever so sorry guys, i didnt see the 2nd pageThe best way to show the result would be to see the spreadsheet attached
OK this is my last attempt here. I am honestly trying to help but you won't give me the information required to help.
Let's take just the first row in your output.
TypeDeparture DateTimeInbound/OutboundDepart FromAirport TerminalArrival DateTimeDestinationBooking RefernceAirlineFlight No.Cost
Flight11/19/2013 0:00OutboundLondonHeathrow Terminal 511/19/2013 0:00Frankfurt123-456-789BABA-123300
Your sample data is missing a lot of this information and the stuff that is there does not match up with your desired output. The dates don't match, the names don't match. There is not destination the flight table and nowhere in any of your tables do we find Frankfurt.
I can imagine you are frustrated but without example output that actually matches the data we can't do anything.
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