ordering table content

  • Hello all,

    I need to order the resultset from a query in a specific way, but I haven't got a clue how to achieve this.

    Select * from table gives me the result below:


    112341237some remarks

    112341238extra remarks

    112341239more remarks

    212371240even more remarks



    Is it possible to order it this way?


    112341237some remarks

    212371240even more remarks



    112341238extra remarks

    112341239more remarks

    In the second way of sorting a parent number appears directly underneath the corresponding number in the child column.

    How should the T-SQL command look to achieve this?



  • Is it possible to order it this way?

    1 1234 1237 some remarks

    2 1237 1240 even more remarks

    3 1240 1242 bladibladibla

    2 1237 1241 blablabla

    1 1234 1238 extra remarks

    1 1234 1239 more remarks

    There's got to be more that you're not showing. Otherwise, how do you know that "[font="Courier New"]2 1237 1241 blablablah[/font]" isn't supposed to be the second record in the order?

  • Sample data for use: -

    SELECT level, parent, child, info

    INTO #yourTable

    FROM (VALUES(1,1234,1237,'some remarks'),

    (1,1234,1238,'extra remarks'),

    (1,1234,1239,'more remarks'),

    (2,1237,1240,'even more remarks'),


    (3,1240,1242,'bladibladibla'))a(level, parent, child, info);

    That makes it easier for people to help you. Now, using the above sample data we can do this: -

    SELECT level, parent, child, info

    FROM (SELECT a.level, a.parent, a.child, a.info,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY a.parent ORDER BY b.parent)

    FROM #yourTable a

    OUTER APPLY (SELECT level, parent, child, info

    FROM #yourTable

    WHERE a.parent = child) b

    )innerQ(level, parent, child, info, pos)

    ORDER BY pos;

    Which produces: -

    level parent child info

    ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------------

    1 1234 1237 some remarks

    2 1237 1240 even more remarks

    3 1240 1242 bladibladibla

    2 1237 1241 blablabla

    1 1234 1238 extra remarks

    1 1234 1239 more remarks

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  • You are correct, I overlooked one column:


    1123412371some remarks

    1123412382extra remarks

    1123412393more remarks

    2123712401even more remarks



    should look like:


    1123412371some remarks

    2123712401even more remarks



    1123412382extra remarks

    1123412393more remarks

    The position column isn't necessarily sorted ascending, because it can happen that


    is a level below parent 1241 instead of 1240.

    Hope this clears it up.

  • Thanks for the replies.

    They helped me, but its still a difficult topic for me.

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