ORDER BY with CASE statement

  • I have the rather complicated 'ORDER BY' clause below, and I can't find a way to get it to order by more than one column. Is this not possible using the CASE statement?




    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 1 THEN machineName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 2 THEN partDisplayName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 3 THEN circuitDisplayName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 4 THEN sourceLastName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 5 THEN D.circuitType

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 6 THEN CAST(E.compDatetc AS VARCHAR(50))

    END ASC,


    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 1 THEN machineName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 2 THEN partDisplayName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 3 THEN circuitDisplayName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 4 THEN sourceLastName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 5 THEN D.circuitType

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 6 THEN CAST(E.compDatetc AS VARCHAR(50))


  • I found that the data types have to be the same when you are ordering by in a Case Statement. Can you provide the DDL and sample data so we can see what you have and what you are doing?

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  • If you are dealing with mixed types you can cast everything to sql_variant.

    Here is a link that describes the technique:


  • It actually sounds like the OP wants both a primary and secondary sort for each sort order choice. If that is the case, there are two options:

    1) Have the expression returned by the CASE statement include both columns (e.g., Column1 + '\' + Column2)

    2) Have another set of CASE statements for the second column.

    The first option requires both columns to be (CAST to) compatible types and may take some tweaking if the first column is variable width.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • can't find a way to get it to order by more than one column. Is this not possible using the CASE statement?

    Yes, but your existing code can only handle one sort column at a time.

    You will need to add additional CASE(s) to sort by additional column(s).

    Scott Pletcher, SQL Server MVP 2008-2010

  • Yes, I would like to be able to do this:



    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 1 THEN machineName, partDisplayName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 2 THEN partDisplayName, machineName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 3 THEN circuitDisplayName, D.circuitType

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 4 THEN sourceLastName, CAST(E.compDatetc AS VARCHAR(50))

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 5 THEN D.circuitType

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 6 THEN CAST(E.compDatetc AS VARCHAR(50))

    END ASC,


    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 1 THEN machineName , partDisplayName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 2 THEN partDisplayName, machineName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 3 THEN circuitDisplayName, D.circuitType

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 4 THEN sourceLastName, CAST(E.compDatetc AS VARCHAR(50))

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 5 THEN D.circuitType

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 6 THEN CAST(E.compDatetc AS VARCHAR(50))


    But it wont let me do that...

  • Something like this:



    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 1 THEN machineName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 2 THEN partDisplayName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 3 THEN circuitDisplayName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 4 THEN sourceLastName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 5 THEN D.circuitType

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 6 THEN CAST(E.compDatetc AS VARCHAR(50))

    ELSE ''

    END ASC,


    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 1 THEN machineName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 2 THEN partDisplayName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 3 THEN circuitDisplayName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 4 THEN sourceLastName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 5 THEN D.circuitType

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 6 THEN CAST(E.compDatetc AS VARCHAR(50))

    ELSE ''




    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 1 THEN partDisplayName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 2 THEN machineName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 3 THEN D.circuitType

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 4 THEN CAST(E.compDatetc AS VARCHAR(50))

    ELSE ''

    END ASC,


    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 1 THEN partDisplayName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 2 THEN machineName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 3 THEN D.circuitType

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 4 THEN CAST(E.compDatetc AS VARCHAR(50))

    ELSE ''


    Scott Pletcher, SQL Server MVP 2008-2010

  • Magy (9/10/2010)

    Yes, I would like to be able to do this:



    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 1 THEN machineName, partDisplayName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 2 THEN partDisplayName, machineName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 3 THEN circuitDisplayName, D.circuitType

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 4 THEN sourceLastName, CAST(E.compDatetc AS VARCHAR(50))

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 5 THEN D.circuitType

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'asc' AND @SortOrder = 6 THEN CAST(E.compDatetc AS VARCHAR(50))

    END ASC,


    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 1 THEN machineName , partDisplayName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 2 THEN partDisplayName, machineName

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 3 THEN circuitDisplayName, D.circuitType

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 4 THEN sourceLastName, CAST(E.compDatetc AS VARCHAR(50))

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 5 THEN D.circuitType

    WHEN @SortSeq = 'desc' AND @SortOrder = 6 THEN CAST(E.compDatetc AS VARCHAR(50))


    But it wont let me do that...

    That is because a CASE statement can only return a single expression and you're trying to return TWO expressions. You can turn your two expressions into a single expression by concatenating them as I suggested earlier or by using additional CASE statements as I also suggested and Scott has demonstrated.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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