ORDER BY ROUNDS - Sanity Check

  • I got this working but thought I would share it with you all. I have this query

    DECLARE @WorkingStartDate date = '1/1/2001'

    DECLARE @WorkingEndDate date = '11/30/2013'


    [2001] AS Year2001,[2002] AS Year2002,[2003] AS Year2003,[2004] AS Year2004,[2005] AS Year2005,[2006] AS Year2006,

    [2007] AS Year2007,[2008] AS Year2008,[2009] AS Year2009,[2010] AS Year2010,[2011] AS Year2011,[2012] AS Year2012,

    [2013] AS Year2013


    (SELECT PerformanceDataType_ID




    ,CAST(IndexValue AS Decimal(36,18)) AS IndexValue

    FROM [Datawarehouse].[dbo].[tblGipPerformanceData]

    WHERE PerformanceDataValue IS NOT NULL AND

    StartDate >= @WorkingStartDate AND

    EndDate <= @WorkingEndDate) AS SourceTable




    FOR PerformanceYear IN ([2001],[2002],[2003],[2004],[2005],[2006],[2007],[2008],[2009],[2010],[2011],[2012],[2013])

    ) AS PivotTable

    ORDER BY PerformanceDataTypeName

    When I ran this code it would round my values at the 6th decimal place. I

    did all sorts of crazy casting, converting, and creating other tables to stop

    this from happening but got absolutely nowhere.

    Then I got the idea to just remove the order by part of the query (I was

    grasping at straws at this point) and the values came down as expected.

    Has anyone else come across this? Is this an undocumented feature? Maybe a bug?


  • Whats in the Datawarehouse_Reporting.dbo.GeometricLinking function?

    What is the datatype of IndexValue?

    Does the query plan change very much after removing the order by?

  • Andrew G (12/17/2013)

    Whats in the Datawarehouse_Reporting.dbo.GeometricLinking function?

    What is the datatype of IndexValue?

    Does the query plan change very much after removing the order by?

    IndexValue - decimal(18,6)

    GeometricLinking is similar to SUM except it multiplies each value and - 1 from the end value

    The estimated execution plan does not change

  • pjbaratelli (12/18/2013)

    Andrew G (12/17/2013)

    Whats in the Datawarehouse_Reporting.dbo.GeometricLinking function?

    What is the datatype of IndexValue?

    Does the query plan change very much after removing the order by?

    IndexValue - decimal(18,6)

    GeometricLinking is similar to SUM except it multiplies each value and - 1 from the end value

    The estimated execution plan does not change

    I'm skeptical that the ORDER BY PerformanceDataTypeName is having any effect on the PIVOTed output of the dbo.GeometricLinking function. Can you post the code of the function and the actual (not estimated) execution plans of both versions of the query?

    Jason Wolfkill

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