July 29, 2006 at 2:18 am
I have a query that join six tables (indexed) and which also includes an order by. Running the query takes 12-15 seconds at the best of times :S However, when I take out the Order by statement the query runs in 1-3 seconds. Unfortunately I need to have the order by in the query but how can I possibly get it to run faster?
And help would be most appreciated!
Reet x
July 29, 2006 at 2:35 am
I've put a GROUP BY clause in it and it seems to have done the trick!
July 30, 2006 at 8:44 pm
July 30, 2006 at 9:16 pm
maybe you can post your query here. I am sure we can help to you make it run faster
July 31, 2006 at 2:59 am
I check my results and they seem fine but if there is another way then i would be very grateful to hear from you. The query that I am using now is as follows and is a view:
SELECT OMS.ID, OMS.omOrderDate, OMS.omPart, OMS.omDesc, OMS.omOrderNumber, OMS.omCustomerID, OMS.omQuantity,
OMS.omCostPrice, OMS.omSellPrice, OMS.omDistStock, OMS.omDistID, OMS.omPO, OMS.omETA, OMS.omPriority, OMS.omShipdate,
OMS.omConsignment, OMS.omNotes, cust.name, cust.lastName, sup.supplierName, exciteuser.Status.statusName, OMS.omStatusID,
prod.Manufacturers, cust.email, prod.idProduct, OMSps.costPrice, OMSps.stockLevel, OMSps.supplierID,
sup2.supplierName AS spSupplierName
dbo.suppliers AS sup ON OMS.omDistID = sup.idSupplier INNER JOIN
dbo.customers AS cust ON OMS.omCustomerID = cust.idcustomer INNER JOIN
exciteuser.Status ON OMS.omStatusID = exciteuser.Status.statusID INNER JOIN
dbo.products AS prod ON OMS.omPart = prod.MFID COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS INNER JOIN
exciteuser.OMS_ProductSupplier AS OMSps ON OMS.omPart = OMSps.partCode INNER JOIN
dbo.suppliers AS sup2 ON OMSps.supplierID = sup2.idSupplier
GROUP BY OMS.omOrderNumber, OMS.omOrderDate, OMS.ID, OMS.omPart, OMS.omDesc, OMS.omCustomerID, OMS.omQuantity, OMS.omCostPrice,
OMS.omSellPrice, OMS.omDistStock, OMS.omDistID, OMS.omPO, OMS.omETA, OMS.omPriority, OMS.omShipdate, OMS.omConsignment,
OMS.omNotes, cust.name, cust.lastName, sup.supplierName, exciteuser.Status.statusName, OMS.omStatusID, prod.Manufacturers, cust.email,
prod.idProduct, OMSps.costPrice, OMSps.stockLevel, OMSps.supplierID, sup2.supplierName
On the original query I didn't have the group by clause and used an order by statement on the view as follows:
SELECT [selected fields] from vw_OMS_Details ORDER BY omOrderNumber DESC
This query took 12-15 secs with the order by which is why i put in the GROUP BY clause.
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