ORDER BY not working as it should

  • This link will surely help you out.....:http://www.elsasoft.org/tabular/SUMMER.msdb/table_dbosysdtspackagelog.htm

  • I have run the OPs query against both SQL2000 and SQL2005 and received no errors. Sergiy is on to something though...

    I used the following query:


    CONVERT(char(4), P.name) Name

    ,CONVERT(char(19), p.starttime ,121) StartTime

    --> ,CONVERT(char(19), p.starttime ,121) pStartTime

    --< ,p.starttime pstart

    ,CONVERT(char(19), s.starttime ,121) starttime

    --> ,CONVERT(char(19), s.starttime ,121) sstarttime

    --< ,s.starttime sstart

    ,CONVERT(char(19), s.endtime ,121) endtime



    FROM MSDB..sysdtspackagelog P

    INNER JOIN MSDB..sysdtssteplog S ON S.lineagefull = P.lineagefull

    WHERE P.name LIKE 'MyDTS%'

    AND P.lineagefull = 'MyGUID'

    ORDER BY S.starttime

    Note: Replace MyDTS and MyGUID with values from your DTS package log tables.

    Interestingly, uncommenting either matched (--> or --< ) pair of comments allows the query to return the correctly ordered result set every time... (When uncommenting the --> comment the original starttime lines)

    I don't exactly know what that means but the moral of the story is if you want correct results make sure there is no ambiguity in the result set column names/aliases.

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