Order by clause

  • I know it is probably something easy, but I am having trouble with an order by clause.  Any help and explanation of why would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advanced.

    select distince p.id, p.comment, t.qty, t.amount, pr.name, t.time

    from people p, transactions t, printers pr

    where p.user_id = '52746'

    and p.user_id = t.user_id

    and t.ref_id = pr.printer_id

    gropu by pr.name

    order by t.time desc

    ERROR:  column 'name' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the group by clause.

    I have tried adding each column name to the order by clause, but I still receive an error.


  • Because you aren't performing any aggregate functions (sum(), count(), min(), ...), you don't need to use GROUP BY.  The DISTINCT will take care of it.

    Otherwise, you will need to add all of the non-aggregated columns in the SELECT list to the GROUP BY list.

    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • You also spelled "DISTINCT" wrong in your example:

    select distince p.id, p.comment, t.qty, t.amount, pr.name, t.time

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