Oracle Transparent Gateway

  • We have recently been asked to look into how much work setting up an Oracle Transparent Gateway would consist of. Does anyone know anything about this? Is there a lot of maintenance, or once we set it up will it just be there?

    Maybe someone has an alternate solution that would make more sense?

    Here is the situation. To start off, we need to be PCI compliant -- sensitive data. There is another department that would like to take data from our SQL Server 2005 database and put it in there Oracle 10g database.

    The oracle transparent gateway was suggested and we are now researching what that would entail. From my understanding, all we need to do on our side is install some component that will make the SQL Server database look like an oracle database so they can grab the data they need when they need it.

    Thank you in advance for your time.

  • I used to work for Oracle as a Transparent Gateway (TG) specialist, and what you have said is just about all you need to do.

    I find it helpful to think of TG as a lens. You look through the lens at your SQL Server database, and you see Oracle - more or less. You can submit Oracle SQL against the SQL Server database, and get Oracle data back. Any conversions are handled automatically by TG, which will strip off functions SQL Server does not understand, and apply them afterwards to the results, or translate into a SQL Server equivalent, if it exists.

    Make sure you check the documentation carefully for grey areas like date and timestamp handling, and bear in mind Oracle has a different locking and concurrency model to SQL Server, but this should only become an issue if you get into distributed SQL.

  • Thanks Mark! 🙂


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