Oracle reserved words problem

  • Recently my company moved from SQL Server 2005 to Oracle. In SQL Server certain field names like name, date and description were used. I had no problem querying data with the names but now in Oracle the same field names cause me errors. I am using PL SQL Developer and SSIS. When I have to query any of the Oracle Tables with one of those three field names, I get an invalid error.

    I have tried double quotes, Brackets and neither work. Has anyone else had this problem and if so what is the work around? Thanks

  • millerfw (10/31/2009)

    Recently my company moved from SQL Server 2005 to Oracle. In SQL Server certain field names like name, date and description were used. I had no problem querying data with the names but now in Oracle the same field names cause me errors. I am using PL SQL Developer and SSIS. When I have to query any of the Oracle Tables with one of those three field names, I get an invalid error.

    I have tried double quotes, Brackets and neither work. Has anyone else had this problem and if so what is the work around? Thanks

    By default the object names in oracle ara in all caps. Since you have migrated the db from SQL server to Oracle, you need to check the objects name seem to be organized differently. Do the following in a SQL Plus window.


    Check the exact names and then issue the command to check the field names.

    for instance

    DESC "Test"


    DESC "test"

    use the filed names exactly as returned by the above command (inside the double quotes).

    You are right on using the double quotes. Brackets will not work. What you seem to be missing is the correct case.

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  • In PL SQL Developer I can see that the case is lower and when I run the query in PL SQL Developer it runs fine. When I use the same exact query in SSIS I get the "ORA-00904:"LL10"."DESCRIPTION": invalid identifier. I can do a preview and the query returns data but the minute I execute the package I get the error.

  • Can you post an example query?

  • Here is the entire query. It is basically the lines with the word description that are causing the problem in SSIS. Thanks

    select c2.inventoryid,

    CASE WHEN i.accepted = 0 THEN 'NEW' ELSE 'UPDATE' END as Action,

    o.siteidentifier SITEID, Cost_Center_Name,

    cc.costcenternumber Cost_Center_Number,

    ll7.description Cost_Center_Type,

    iec.expensecode EXPENSE_CODE,

    i.itemname Circuit_Name,

    c2.circuitid CIRCUIT_ID,

    pc.circuitid PARENT_CIRCUITID, TYPE1,


    dr.SpeedDisplay SPEED,

    dn.itemname DATA_NETWORK,

    c2.mileage DISTANCE,


    c2.providertype PROVIDER_TYPE,

    c2.tietrunk TIE_TRUNK, CARRIER,

    ll2.description LINE_CODING,

    ll3.description FRAMING,

    ll9.description SIGNALING,

    ll5.description FACILITY_TYPE,

    ll6.description HUNT_TYPE,


    a.accountnumber ACCOUNT1,

    i.notes DESCRIPTION1,

    c2.assignment ASSIGNMENT,

    ll8.description INV_STATUS,

    i.installdate INSTALL_DATE,

    i.canceldate CANCEL_DATE,

    i.disconnectdate DISCONNECT_DATE,

    i.billingstartdate BILLING_START_DATE,

    i.billingterminationdate BILLING_END_DATE,


    cep.ChargePercentage ALOC_CHARGE_PCT,

    cep.hcoord ALOC_TERM_HCoord,

    cep.vcoord ALOC_TERM_VCoord,

    tei.identifier ALOC_TERM_EQUIPMENT,

    tei.typename ALOC_TERM_EQUIPMENT_TYPE,

    ri.InterfaceNumber ALOC_TERM_INTERFACE_NUM,

    case when cep.ExtendedIndicator = 1 then 'YES' else 'NO' end ALOC_EXTENDED_DEMARK,

    cep.EndPointBuilding ALOC_DEMARC_BUILDING,

    cep.EndPointFloor ALOC_DEMARC_FLOOR,

    cep.EndPointSuite ALOC_DEMARC_SUITE,

    cep.EndPointRoom ALOC_DEMARC_ROOM,

    cep.EndPointDepartment ALOC_DEMARC_DEPT,

    ll4.description ALOC_TERM_JACK_TYPE,

    cep.PinPosition ALOC_PIN_POSITION,

    cep.EndPointNotes ALOC_PANEL_INFO,


    o2.siteidentifier CONNECTING_CIRCUIT_SITEID ,

    ll10.description PRIORITY

    from circuit2 c2

    join v_inventory i on c2.inventoryid = i.inventoryid

    left outer join circuitendpoint cep on c2.inventoryid = cep.circuitinventoryid and cep.locationcategory = 'A'

    left outer join inventory dn on cep.datanetworkinventoryid = dn.inventoryid

    left outer join orgentity o on i.orgentityid = o.orgentityid

    left outer join circuit2 pc on c2.parentid = pc.inventoryid

    left outer join costcenterbillingitem ccb on c2.inventoryid = ccb.inventoryid and ccb.allocationtypeid = 2

    left outer join costcenter cc on ccb.costcenterid = cc.costcenterid

    left outer join account a on c2.accountid = a.accountid

    left outer join billingsystem bs on a. BillingSystemID= bs.BillingSystemID

    left outer join carrier c on c2.carrierid = c.carrierid

    left outer join accessproduct ap on c2.accessproductid = ap.productid

    left outer join datarate dr on c2.datarateid = dr.datarateid

    left outer join carrier lc on cep.leccircuitcarrierid = lc.carrierid

    left outer join v_inventory tei on cep.TerminatingEquipmentID = tei.inventoryid

    left outer join routerinterface ri on cep.routerinterfaceid = ri.routerinterfaceid

    left outer join lookuplistitem ll1 on c2.applicationluid = ll1.lookuplistitemid and ll1.lookuplistid = 134 -- application

    left outer join lookuplistitem ll2 on c2.linecodingluid = ll2.lookuplistitemid and ll2.lookuplistid = 130 -- line coding

    left outer join lookuplistitem ll3 on c2.framingluid = ll3.lookuplistitemid and ll3.lookuplistid = 131 -- framing

    left outer join lookuplistitem ll4 on cep.jacktypeid = ll4.lookuplistitemid -- jack type

    left outer join lookuplistitem ll5 on c2.VoiceFacilityTypeLUID = ll5.lookuplistitemid and ll5.lookuplistid = 132 -- voice facility type

    left outer join lookuplistitem ll6 on c2.VoiceHuntTypeLUID = ll6.lookuplistitemid and ll6.lookuplistid = 133 -- voice hunt type

    left outer join inventoryexpensecode iec on c2.inventoryid = iec.inventoryid

    left outer join lookuplistitem ll7 on cc.CategoryLookupID = ll7.lookuplistitemid

    left outer join lookuplistitem ll8 on i.StatusLUID = ll8.lookuplistitemid

    left outer join lookuplistitem ll9 on c2.SignalLUID = ll9.lookuplistitemid

    left outer join lookuplistitem ll10 on i.PriorityLUID = ll10.lookuplistitemid--priority

    left outer join circuitendpoint ccep on cep.ConnectingCircuitEndPointID = ccep.CircuitEndPointID

    left outer join circuit2 cc2 on ccep.CircuitInventoryID = cc2.inventoryid

    left outer join carrier car2 on cc2.carrierid = car2.carrierid

    left outer join v_inventory i2 on i2.inventoryid=cc2.inventoryid

    left outer join orgentity o2 on o2.orgentityid= i2.orgentityid

    Where i.deleted = 0 and i.ignored = 0

  • Having faced the same problem, I concluded that you just cannot use ORACLE reserved words for column names etc.

    Brackets, quotes etc do not help.

    Lower/upper case is irrelevant. By default, names are case-insensitive. I think there may be an option for case-sensitive names but it's not recommended.

    The convention seems to be that when you convert your database, add a trailing underscore to a column name that is a reserved word.

    I think that that is what the ORACLE migration wizard does.


    Edit - see correction from Pablo in next post.

  • Martin Wills (11/12/2009)

    Having faced the same problem, I concluded that you just cannot use ORACLE reserved words for column names etc.

    Brackets, quotes etc do not help.

    Statements above do not reflect reality.



    SQL> create table testtable ("name" varchar2(10), "date" date, "description" varchar2(10));

    Table created.

    SQL> insert into testtable values('AAAAA', sysdate, 'BBBBB');

    1 row created.

    SQL> commit;

    Commit complete.

    SQL> select "name", "date", "description" from testtable;

    name date descriptio

    ---------- --------- ----------



    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • You're right Pablo, I'm wrong (= I don't reflect reality) :blush:.

    Double quotes do work around the reserved words.

    Single quotes and square brackets do not work. I must have given up at that stage.

    Thanks Pablo for providing the correct info.


  • Glad to help.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • I appreciate the comments but nothing is working. When I use the SQL Server Manager to Import the data from Oracle it works fine with no errors. I save the import as an SSIS package. When I execute the SSIS package I get the error. Makes no sense at all.

  • millerfw (11/17/2009)

    I appreciate the comments but nothing is working. When I use the SQL Server Manager to Import the data from Oracle it works fine with no errors. I save the import as an SSIS package. When I execute the SSIS package I get the error. Makes no sense at all.

    Is it an Oracle side error? ... in the ORA-NNNNN form?

    Please copy/paste full error stack.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • Advice given so far is accurate, reserved words can be used but they must be enclosed in double quotes.

    Once enclosed in double quotes the identifier becomes case sensitive and it must exactly match the name stored in Oracle dictionary.

    For your query lines such as: Cost_Center_Name,

    ll7.description Cost_Center_Type,

    should look like:

    cc."name" Cost_Center_Name,

    ll7."description" Cost_Center_Type,

    Which assumes that the column names as transferred from SQL Server were also lower case. If they were capitalised then the lines should look like:

    cc."Name" Cost_Center_Name,

    ll7."Description" Cost_Center_Type,

  • Handle Transaction (Rollback/Commit) when applicable. Regards, ... If that's the case, temporary tables will not work. I have tried it for a couple cases


    Download Windows 7 [/url]

  • Handle Transaction (Rollback/Commit) when applicable. Regards, ... If that's the case, temporary tables will not work. I have tried it for a couple cases


    Download Microsoft 2010 [/url]

  • rojen83 (1/23/2010)

    Handle Transaction (Rollback/Commit) when applicable. Regards, ... If that's the case, temporary tables will not work. I have tried it for a couple cases

    :blink: either this is spam or you posted in the wrong thread.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.

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