• Hi !

    I have a query like this (see below).

    This query most of the time alwasy time out if there are many users tries to execute this query.

    Is there a way to make this query faster ?

    Can I use union all instead of OR?

    I did add indexes to improve performance.

    If i add index on column name , will the performance will be better?

    I'm not sure replace function will cancel the index feature on column name.


    SELECT count(*)

    FROM tableA


    ( REPLACE(name, ' ', '') like @name OR


    WHERE tableB.orderid = tableA.id AND (ISNULL(tableB .lastname, '') + ISNULL(tableB .firstname, '')) like @fullname1

    ) OR


    WHERE tableC.orderid = tableA.id AND (ISNULL(tableC.lastname, '') + ISNULL(tableC.firstname, '')) like @fullname2

    ) OR


    WHERE tableD.orderid = tableA.id AND (ISNULL(tableD.lastname, '') + ISNULL(tableD.firstname, '')) like @fullname3



  • Without any further information (e.g. actual execution plan) I'd expect table scans due to the non-SARGable columns in your WHERE clause.

    Furthermore, the part "like @fullname1" might not work as you expect, depending on the value of @fullname1.

    Missing indexes might be another issue.

    Please attach the actual execution plan as sqlplan file. Maybe that'S enough to give you a few hints. If not, we'd need table defs including index definitions.

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  • I agree with LutzM but lets try breaking this down a little:

    Since many may not understand "non-SARGable" lets just put it this way:

    If you put a column in a function then an index will do you no good.

    REPLACE(name, ' ', '') like @name

    You don't make clear if @name will have wildcards, but from a performance point of view it would make more sense to put the space in @name rather than remove it from the name column

    name like @name

    If that is imposible then you could:

    add a calculated column to tableA: name_no_space as REPLACE(name, ' ', '')

    index that column

    use name_no_space like @name in the where clause

    Keep in mind that if @name begins with a wildcard then you will get a table scan every time.

    Same logic applies to using the isnull() function in a where clause

    Does this help you at all?

  • Without diving into the details of your case I will answer one of the questions you had: "Can I use union all instead of OR".

    Absolutely. Recently I helped a friend who had similar problem and instead of messing with crazy logic in the WHERE clause (with extremaly poor performance) I suggested using UNION and it worked like a charm.

    Using UNION is his case helped because the criteria in the separate SELECTs used different indexes and trying to pull it off in a single query killed the index usage.

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