Optionally passing parameters from drill-down to sub report

  • I have a report that has a matrix drill-down, and a subreport that accepts parameters from the columns and rows of this drill-down.

    So for example, I have rows A, B, C and columns D, E, where A->B->C and D->E is the drill down.

    My subreport accepts parameters for A, B, C, D, E where I'm setting them as:

    Parameter Name is A (the parameter name in the subreport) and Paramter Value is =Parameters!A.Value


    However, when I click the link to jump the subreport, the parameters always set the C and E values in the drill down, regardless of how far down I've drilled into the matrix. If I've only drilled down to the B level row, in my example, how do I set it such that children of B, which would be C in my example, is not passed and is NULL in the sub report.

    Hope that makes sense.

    What I was thinking is that rather than passing the Parameters!A.Value, I can pass an IIF expression instead.

    Something like:

    =IIF(groupname.visible, Parameters!A.Value,NULL)


    =IIF(fields!a.value is nothing, nothing, fields!a.value)

    However, there's no function for visible for the group name or text box, but maybe something similar can be done or hopefully there's just a more simple way to do it that I don't know about.


  • bump

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