Optional search conditions

  • Hi gurus!

    I found this way to make optional parameters to a SELECT statement:

    SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE (somefield = @param OR @param IS NULL)

    There's only one problem. It doesn't take advantage of possible indices i.e. it does an index scan when it should do an index seek. So, is there a better way?

    Thanks for any help,


  • Hi Tomi,


    There's only one problem. It doesn't take advantage of possible indices i.e. it does an index scan when it should do an index seek. So, is there a better way?

    if you're doing this within a stored procedure, you can specify a default value for the parameter. So the SP takes the default value if you haven't specified some other.

    Take a look at BOL for 'optional parameters'




    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
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  • Thanks, Frank!

    Yes, I know I can specify a default value to parameters in a SP. That's what I've done with my example:


    @param varchar(50) = NULL


    SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE (somefield = @param OR @param IS NULL)

    But the default value doesn't help alot because there's still an OR operator in the WHERE clause and therefore it doesn't use indices.


  • quote:

    Thanks, Frank!

    Yes, I know I can specify a default value to parameters in a SP. That's what I've done with my example:


    @param varchar(50) = NULL


    SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE (somefield = @param OR @param IS NULL)

    But the default value doesn't help alot because there's still an OR operator in the WHERE clause and therefore it doesn't use indices.

    what about validating the input before querying?

    CREATE PROCEDURE get_sales_for_title
    @title varchar(80) = NULL, -- NULL default value
    @ytd_sales int OUTPUT

    -- Validate the @title parameter.
    IF @title IS NULL
    PRINT 'ERROR: You must specify a title value.'

    -- Get the sales for the specified title and
    -- assign it to the output parameter.
    SELECT @ytd_sales = ytd_sales
    FROM titles
    WHERE title = @title


    if it's missing you can decide, whether to raise an error, assign something at least valid, so that you don't get an error, or what ever you like...



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Thanks again, Frank!


    ...assign something at least valid, ...

    Now, this is where my problem is. I can't assign anything valid to the parameter!


    DECLARE @id int

    IF (@id IS NULL)
    SET @id = 23

    SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE ID = @id

    Now, the code pulls out one record when I want it to pull out ALL the records. This would do the trick:

    DECLARE @id int

    SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE ID = @id OR @id IS NULL

    But when you look at the execution plan it says "Clustered Index Scan" which is not good.


  • Actually a Clustered index scan is fine for all as that is what would happen. But to get the seek I would do like so

    DECLARE @id int
    SET @id = 23 -- COmment out to get all

    IF (@id IS NULL)
    SELECT * FROM sysobjects
    SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE ID = @id

    However if this is done in an SP it may remember the execution plan of one or the other cauing a performance hit there unless you use WITH RECOMPILE in the SP.

    Or better create an SP for each possiblity and create a main that decides which to choose like so.

    /* Main SP is denoted by ;1 and can be called by name without the number in the group as ;1 is the default.*/
    CREATE PROC ip_GetSysobjects;1
    @id int = NULL -- Null is the default value.


    IF (@id IS NULL)
    EXEC ip_GetSysobjects;2
    EXEC ip_GetSysobjects;3 @id

    /* This procedure covers the choice of all.*/
    CREATE PROC ip_GetSysobjects;2


    SELECT * FROM sysobjects

    /* This covers if ID choice made. */
    CREATE PROC ip_GetSysobjects;3
    @id int -- Should no be null if get's here.


    SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE ID = @id

    in the above sp is named by

    CREATE PROC name;groupidval

    as I like goruping functions, but there are some issues you can get into if you do not learn to properly use them such as

    DROP PROC ip_GetSysobjects

    will drop all but

    DROP PROC ip_GetSysobjects;2

    will only drop the second one.

    To alter the third you have to specify the groupidval

    ALTER PROC ip_GetSysobjects;3


    ALTER PROC ip_GetSysobjects

    will be handled as though you did

    ALTER PROC ip_GetSysobjects;1

    if you prefer you can use seperate names instead. It is all a matter of preference.

  • Thanks, Antares!

    So multiple SPs is the way to go? I thought there'd be a simpler way...

    Not that it's any easier but would sp_executeSQL also be a good alternative? I mean, to build up the query dynamically. The performance would be about same, right?


  • Hi Tomi,


    Not that it's any easier but would sp_executeSQL also be a good alternative? I mean, to build up the query dynamically. The performance would be about same, right?

    why can't you assign the 0 as default value? It won't return any records, but also no errors.

    Don't know what happens to performance, but

    SELECT blabla FROM table WHERE id LIKE '%' should also return all records in that table

    Executing the query dynamically with sp_executeSQL is also a way.

    Maybe it would help if you post what you want to do?



    Edited by - a5xo3z1 on 07/21/2003 06:23:00 AM

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Hi Frank!

    Ok, here's what I want to do:

    I have a search page on my website where people can enter lots of search conditions. They can also leave all the conditions blank. They can enter stuff like "created date", "last modified date" and more. Now, when they leave everything blank I want to pull out all the records.

    So I guess the easiest way would be multiple stored procs as Antares suggested or sp_executeSQL.


  • Hi Tomi,


    I have a search page on my website where people can enter lots of search conditions. They can also leave all the conditions blank. They can enter stuff like "created date", "last modified date" and more. Now, when they leave everything blank I want to pull out all the records.

    Aha, now I see a bit clearer.

    You want to offer the user a maximum in flexibility regarding queries. Certainly a good feature.


    So I guess the easiest way would be multiple stored procs as Antares suggested or sp_executeSQL.

    Multiple Stored procedures.





    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

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