Optimizing function

  • This function uses a Table variable to return a result set. The issue is the db is getting large enough that we are seeing a significant slow down when its running. I have changed some Stored Procs to use temp tables with indexes to speed things up but I'm not sure how to do it in a function. Any help would be great.

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetEventTrackSearchResultsForDateRange]


    @DateRangeFrom datetime,

    @DateRangeTo datetime


    RETURNS @EventTrackMatch_DateRange TABLE(EventTrackID int)



    IF @DateRangeFrom IS NOT NULL AND @DateRangeTo IS NOT NULL


    INSERT INTO @EventTrackMatch_DateRange(EventTrackID)

    SELECT et.EventTrackID

    FROM EventTrack et

    WHERE DateDiff(d, et.DateOccurred, @DateRangeFrom) <= 0

    AND DateDiff(d, et.DateOccurred, @DateRangeTo) >= 0

    --et.DateOccurred BETWEEN @DateRangeFrom AND @DateRangeTo




  • Well, I cannot test any of the code I just did, but can you test this, and let me know if you get any improvement?

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetEventTrackSearchResultsForDateRange]


    @DateRangeFrom DATETIME ,

    @DateRangeTo DATETIME


    RETURNS @EventTrackMatch_DateRange TABLE ( EventTrackID INT )



    ( SELECT et.EventTrackID

    FROM EventTrack et

    WHERE DATEDIFF(d, et.DateOccurred, @DateRangeFrom) <= 0

    AND DATEDIFF(d, et.DateOccurred, @DateRangeTo) >= 0

    AND @DateRangeFrom IS NOT NULL

    AND @DateRangeTo IS NOT NULL


    The key here, if it works nicely, is to create an inline table valued function, that can scale better, since it has no "Code" inside the function, just a select, that can create a single execution plan for the query, depending on how you use it in the main query.

    Try it, and let me know.



  • Next thing to check, is if it scales well, depending on your indexes for the table you are using within the function. Can you execute it once, and post the execution plan? We can check it out.



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