March 21, 2013 at 3:19 am
Hi All,
I have a stored procedure with many optional parameters.
Following is one of the code blocks from that SP which is taking long time to execute. If there is any other optimized way to perform the same task please suggest me:
declare @City varchar(50) = 'aadorp', @Region varchar(50)= 'europe', @strProvince varchar(200) = '''Overijssel'', ''Utrecht''',
@strCountry1 varchar(50) = '''netherlands''', @strCountry2 varchar(50) = '''''', @strCountry3 varchar(50) = '''''', @strCountry4 varchar(50) = '''''',
@PtSql varchar(8000), @PtJoinString varchar(4000), @PtWhereString varchar(4000),
@VacSearchLocLatitude numeric(14,10), @VacSearchLocLongitude numeric(14,10)
Create table #LatLong (Latitude numeric(14,10), Longitude numeric(14,10), CityID int)
IF LTRIM(rtrim(@City)) <> ''
set @PtSql = 'insert into #LatLong Select CityLatitude, CityLongitude, ci.CityInternalID from GeoData.TB_City ci'
set @PtJoinString = ' left join (select CityInternalID,CityName,CityTranslationStatusID from GeoData.TB_CityTranslation UNION select CityInternalID, CitySynonymName, CitySynonymStatusID from GeoData.TB_CitySynonym ) cits on ci.CityInternalId = cits.CityInternalID'
set @PtWhereString =' where ((CityDefaultName = '''+ @City +''' and ci.CityStatusID = 1) or (CityName = ''' + @City + ''' and cits.CityTranslationStatusID = 1)) '
IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@Region)) <> ''
set @PtWhereString = @PtWhereString + ' and re.RegionDefaultName = ''' + @Region + ''' and re.RegionStatusID = 1'
set @PtJoinString = @PtJoinString + ' inner join ( select RegionInternalID,RegionDefaultName,RegionStatusID from GeoData.TB_Region UNION select RegionInternalID,RegionName,RegionTranslationStatusID from GeoData.TB_RegionTranslation UNION select RegionInternalID, RegionSynonymName, RegionSynonymStatusID from GeoData.TB_RegionSynonym) re on ci.CityRegionID = re.RegionInternalID'
--If Province is true and country is false
IF (LTRIM(RTRIM(@strCountry1)) <> '''''' OR LTRIM(RTRIM(@strCountry2)) <> '''''' OR LTRIM(RTRIM(@strCountry3)) <> '''''' OR LTRIM(RTRIM(@strCountry4)) <> '''''') and NOT (LTRIM(RTRIM(@strProvince)) <> '')
set @PtWhereString = @PtWhereString + ' and co.CountryDefaultName in (' + @strCountry1 +','+ @strCountry2 +','+ @strCountry3 +','+ @strCountry4 + ') and co.CountryStatusID = 1'
set @PtJoinString = @PtJoinString + ' inner join ( select CountryInternalID,CountryDefaultName,CountryStatusID from GeoData.TB_Country UNION select CountryInternalID,CountryName,CountryTranslationStatusID from GeoData.TB_CountryTranslation UNION select CountryInternalID,CountrySynonymName,CountrySynonymStatusID from GeoData.TB_CountrySynonym) co on ci.CityCountryId = co.CountryInternalID'
--If Province is false and country is true
IF (LTRIM(RTRIM(@strProvince)) <> '') and NOT (LTRIM(RTRIM(@strCountry1)) <> '''''' OR LTRIM(RTRIM(@strCountry2)) <> '''''' OR LTRIM(RTRIM(@strCountry3)) <> '''''' OR LTRIM(RTRIM(@strCountry4)) <> '''''')
set @PtWhereString = @PtWhereString + ' and pr.ProvinceDefaultName in (' + @strProvince + ') and pr.ProvinceStatusID = 1'
set @PtJoinString = @PtJoinString + ' inner join ( select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceDefaultName,ProvinceStatusID from GeoData.TB_province UNION select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceName,ProvinceTranslationStatusID from GeoData.TB_provinceTranslation UNION select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceSynonymName,ProvinceSynonymStatusID from GeoData.TB_ProvinceSynonym) pr on ci.CityProvinceID = pr.ProvinceInternalID'
--If Province is true and country is true
IF (LTRIM(RTRIM(@strProvince)) <> '') and (LTRIM(RTRIM(@strCountry1)) <> '''''' OR LTRIM(RTRIM(@strCountry2)) <> '''''' OR LTRIM(RTRIM(@strCountry3)) <> '''''' OR LTRIM(RTRIM(@strCountry4)) <> '''''')
set @PtWhereString = @PtWhereString + ' and ((pr.ProvinceDefaultName in (' + @strProvince + ') and co.CountryDefaultName in (' + @strCountry1 + ') and pr.ProvinceLevel = 1) OR (pr.ProvinceDefaultName in (' + @strProvince + ') and co.CountryDefaultName in (' + @strCountry2 + ') and pr.ProvinceLevel = 2) OR (pr.ProvinceDefaultName in (' + @strProvince + ') and co.CountryDefaultName in (' + @strCountry3 + ') and pr.ProvinceLevel = 3) OR (pr.ProvinceDefaultName in (' + @strProvince + ') and co.CountryDefaultName in (' + @strCountry4 + ') and pr.ProvinceLevel = 4)) and pr.ProvinceStatusID = 1'
set @PtJoinString = @PtJoinString + ' inner join ( select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceDefaultName,ProvinceStatusID, ProvinceLevel from GeoData.TB_province UNION select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceName,ProvinceTranslationStatusID, ProvinceLevel from GeoData.TB_provinceTranslation UNION select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceSynonymName,ProvinceSynonymStatusID, ProvinceLevel from GeoData.TB_ProvinceSynonym) pr on pr.ProvinceInternalID in (ci.CityProvinceID_1, ci.CityProvinceID_2,ci.CityProvinceID_3,ci.CityProvinceID_4) inner join ( select CountryInternalID,CountryDefaultName,CountryStatusID from GeoData.TB_Country UNION select CountryInternalID,CountryName,CountryTranslationStatusID from GeoData.TB_CountryTranslation UNION select CountryInternalID,CountrySynonymName,CountrySynonymStatusID from GeoData.TB_CountrySynonym) co on ci.CityCountryId = co.CountryInternalID'
set @PtSql = @PtSql + @PtJoinString + @PtWhereString
Print @PtSql
--exec sp_executesql @PtSql, N'@City nvarchar(1000) OUTPUT, @Region nvarchar(1000) OUTPUT, @strCountry nvarchar(1000) OUTPUT, @strProvince nvarchar(1000) OUTPUT', @City , @Region, @strCountry , @strProvince
select @VacSearchLocLatitude = Latitude, @VacSearchLocLongitude = Longitude from #LatLong
drop table #LatLong
And following is the final SQL query formed(Printed from Above code):
Select CityLatitude, CityLongitude, ci.CityInternalID from GeoData.TB_City ci
left join (select CityInternalID,CityName,CityTranslationStatusID from GeoData.TB_CityTranslation
UNION select CityInternalID, CitySynonymName, CitySynonymStatusID from GeoData.TB_CitySynonym ) cits
on ci.CityInternalId = cits.CityInternalID
inner join ( select RegionInternalID,RegionDefaultName,RegionStatusID from GeoData.TB_Region
UNION select RegionInternalID,RegionName,RegionTranslationStatusID from GeoData.TB_RegionTranslation
UNION select RegionInternalID, RegionSynonymName, RegionSynonymStatusID from GeoData.TB_RegionSynonym) re
on ci.CityRegionID = re.RegionInternalID
inner join ( select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceDefaultName,ProvinceStatusID, ProvinceLevel from GeoData.TB_province
UNION select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceName,ProvinceTranslationStatusID, ProvinceLevel from GeoData.TB_provinceTranslation
UNION select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceSynonymName,ProvinceSynonymStatusID, ProvinceLevel from GeoData.TB_ProvinceSynonym) pr
on pr.ProvinceInternalID in (ci.CityProvinceID_1, ci.CityProvinceID_2,ci.CityProvinceID_3,ci.CityProvinceID_4)
inner join ( select CountryInternalID,CountryDefaultName,CountryStatusID from GeoData.TB_Country
UNION select CountryInternalID,CountryName,CountryTranslationStatusID from GeoData.TB_CountryTranslation
UNION select CountryInternalID,CountrySynonymName,CountrySynonymStatusID from GeoData.TB_CountrySynonym) co
on ci.CityCountryId = co.CountryInternalID
where ((CityDefaultName = 'aadorp' and ci.CityStatusID = 1)
or (CityName = 'aadorp' and cits.CityTranslationStatusID = 1))
and re.RegionDefaultName = 'europe' and re.RegionStatusID = 1
and ((pr.ProvinceDefaultName in ('Overijssel', 'Utrecht') and co.CountryDefaultName in ('netherlands') and pr.ProvinceLevel = 1)
OR (pr.ProvinceDefaultName in ('Overijssel', 'Utrecht') and co.CountryDefaultName in ('') and pr.ProvinceLevel = 2)
OR (pr.ProvinceDefaultName in ('Overijssel', 'Utrecht') and co.CountryDefaultName in ('') and pr.ProvinceLevel = 3)
OR (pr.ProvinceDefaultName in ('Overijssel', 'Utrecht') and co.CountryDefaultName in ('') and pr.ProvinceLevel = 4))
and pr.ProvinceStatusID = 1
All parameters are optional except @City
If there is more efficient way (I'm sure there is) please suggest me.
Thank you.
March 23, 2013 at 8:36 am
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