Opinions on a T-SQL book

  • Hello,

    Is there anybody here who has used the following book?


    The reviews here are good, but I have just broke my T-SQL learning duck on the dummies book, I did understand everything in it (thank goodness), but I am wondering if the jump from that book to this one, might be a bit big. Having said that, I'm still going to do everything in it and hope things fall into place. I was really just wondering if anybody here had used it and how they found it?



  • I'm presently at the last chapter of "Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Querying". It's an excellent book, a must have.

    I've took some training with the author, Itzik Ben-Gan, at the SQL Server Connection conference held in Orlando (April 2008). This guy is amazing. He knows is stuff. The book show you a lot of different ways of doing things and demonstrates which ones are most efficient.

    As the "Introduction" says:

    The book is targeted for experienced T-SQL programmer. It covers advance T-SQL querying, assuming you have a the basic and intermediate levels of the subject matter and you are ready to go to the next level.


    Senior Database Administrator & Architect

  • After that book, go for the "Inside SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Programming". It's a continuation of the previous book.

    It goes deeply into programming:

    scripts, stored procedures, temporary tables, cursors, dynamic SQL, views, user defined function, triggers, transactions, execption handling,...


    Senior Database Administrator & Architect

  • Hi Guys

    Thank you very much for your replys, I just hope the book isnt too difficult to follow, I'm thinking if I just keep hacking away at it, it will all make sense, I just want to be really good at t-sql and get a job and do it for a living.

    I will be going for the programming book afterwards for sure.

    Thanks again,


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