OpenXML : If a node exists

  • Hi there,

    I got a stored procedure that receives an XML document as a parameter to update a table. The thing is the XML only has the fields that need to be updated.

    Here I go... is there a way to parse the XML in the stored proc to update only the fields in it, or check if the node for exists in the XML?

    I tried things like :

    if exists (

    SELECT * FROM tempdb.sys.tables WHERE [name] like '#testXML20100112%'


    DROP TABLE tempdb.#testXML20100112;


    DECLARE@in_values varchar(90)

    DECLARE @hDoc int

    DECLARE @Id int

    DECLARE @UpdateValue varchar(255)

    SET @in_values = '<root><column_name><node_a>value1</node_a><node_b>value2</node_b></column_name></root>'

    exec sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT, @in_values


    SELECT * INTO #testXML20100112 FROM OPENXML (@hdoc, '/root/column_name', 3)

    if exists(SELECT id FROM #testXML20100112 WHERE (localname = 'node_a'))


    SET @Id = (SELECT id FROM #testXML20100112 WHERE (localname = 'node_a'))

    SET @Id = @Id + 2

    SET @UpdateValue = (SELECT text FROM #testXML20100112 WHERE (id = @id))

    Print '"' + @UpdateValue + '"'




    Print 'No'


    EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @hDoc

    but nothing simple when you have 20+ fields... is there a better (read:faster) way? Or any other hints that could help me?

    Thank you

  • What xml element/attribute describes the column name?

    Your examle is only using data from a column. There is nothing indicating any relationship between node_a and localname, meaning: How do you know to use the localname column?

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  • Or a way to populate a temp table with the XML and build a dynamic SQL update statement from the temp table...

  • lmu92 (1/7/2010)

    What xml element/attribute describes the column name?

    Your examle is only using data from a column. There is nothing indicating any relationship between node_a and localname, meaning: How do you know to use the localname column?

    That's one issue, that SELECT ... INTO isn't the best scenario...

    Thing is my table has three fields : node_A, node_B and node_C and the XML I get has parameter for my stored proc only has the columns that need to be updated, if my XML string only has node_A and node_B because it,s the only fields that need to be updated, if I do this :

    SELECT node_c FROM OPENXML (@hdoc, '/root/column_name', 3) WITH (node_c varCHAR(50))

    I get 'NULL', but I can't know if the field node_c needs to be updated to null or if the node_c doesn't exist in my xml string...

    Is there a way I can parse the XML and put the column names (node_x) and value in a temp table and create dynamically my Update statement.

  • TcW_1978 (1/7/2010)

    but I can't know if the field node_c needs to be updated to null or if the node_c doesn't exist in my xml string...

    Is there a way I can parse the XML and put the column names (node_x) and value in a temp table and create dynamically my Update statement.

    To your first question: This issue cannot be resolved using SQL. It's a problem of the concept. You need to get a "signal" if you have to set the column to NULL or you'd have to get all columns all the time with values in it.

    Your second question: Yes it's possible. But how do you know which row to update? There should be an additional node indicating a rowId or something like that. Otherwise you're going to update ALL rows. Is this the intention?

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  • 1 : You're confirming what I thought, I dropped that idea, will never work.

    2 : Well I went with the idea that if I can do something like this it will work...

    Create a table tempupdatetbale with 2 columns : columnname and updatevalue

    For each node_x

    INSERT INTO tempupdatetbale VALUES (node_x, value)

    DECLARE sqlStatement

    sqlStatement = "UPDATE MyTable SET "

    sqlStatement = sqlStatement + tempupdatetbale.columnname + '=' + tempupdatetbale.updatevalue

    My problem is on the "For each node_x INSERT INTO tempupdatetbale VALUES (node_x, value)"... can't figure out how, put it seems to me like it is possible or at least I'm on the right path...

    Meanwhile I found this thread:


  • To get the columns and the corresponding values you could use the following code (using XQuery and your sample data):

    DECLARE @in_values xml

    SET @in_values = '<root><column_name><node_a>value1</node_a><node_b>value2</node_b></column_name></root>'


    T.n.value('localname[1]', 'varchar(100)') AS ColumnName,

    T.n.value('value[1]', 'VARCHAR(100)') AS val


    ( SELECT


    for $node in /descendant::node()[local-name(..) = "column_name"]

    return <node>

    <localname>{ local-name($node) }</localname>

    <value>{ $node }</value>

    </node>') AS nodes

    FROM @in_values.nodes('/root') x(x)

    ) q1

    CROSS APPLY q1.nodes.nodes('/node') AS T ( n )

    /* result set:





    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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