OPENROWSET w/ ALTER LOGIN fails w/ SQLOLEDB but not MSDASQL only on SQL 2005!

  • I'm rather perplexed about this one. Hopefully someone can explain what's really going on.

    For SQL 2005 servers (and only 2005 -- SQL 2000 works with no problems), I cannot sucessfully change the SA password via OPENROWSET via SQLOLEDB. Here's the statement that I use:

    select 1 from openrowset('SQLOLEDB', 'server=Server1;database=master;trusted_connection=yes', 'set nocount on; select ''Server1''; begin try alter login sa with password = ''XXXX''; raiserror(''User XXXX succesfully changed the SA password!'', 10, 1) with log; end try begin catch raiserror(''Error changing SA password by user XXXX!'', 10, 1) with log; end catch;')

    Actually, the alter login statment works, but for some reason it keeps getting rolled back! When I do a Profiler trace, I see no errors of any kind. However, I see that there is a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION that always follows, no matter what I do. I tried everything I could think of, including explicit transactions.

    However, I found that it works when I use MSDASQL! Here's the new statement:

    select 1 from openrowset('MSDASQL', 'Driver={SQL Server};server=Server1;database=master;trusted_connection=yes', 'set nocount on; select ''Server1''; begin try alter login sa with password = ''XXXX''; raiserror(''User XXXX succesfully changed the SA password!'', 10, 1) with log; end try begin catch raiserror(''Error changing SA password by user XXXX!'', 10, 1) with log; end catch;')

    I have been using SQLOLEDB with SQL 2000 servers to change passwords with sp_password with no problem. It's only when I tried to change a password on SQL 2005 that I saw the problem.

    Does anyone have any idea why I keep getting that ROLLBACK TRANSACTION when I use SQLOLEDB, not MSDASQL, as the provider? I'm pretty stumped on this one.


  • Hi,

    This is only a guess: you are using Trusted Connections (your Windows authentication). It just could be that your token somehow could be used by  MSDASQL but not SQLOLEDB. Did you try to specify SQL Server Standard user name and password for the connection?

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • No, unfortunately that's not it. I tried creating a test user and using him in the connection string. No luck -- it still rolls back. Well, at least the MSDASQL works!

  • FOUND IT!!!

    I had a moment and tried your statement from SQL Server 2000 towards SQL Server 2005 with running a profiler in 2005. The first (almost) thing it did was

    set implicit_transactions on

    That means that you need to explicitly to commit transactions. When I tried the first time, I checked and I was not able to login with the new password of the user I was trying to change the password for. Then I added to your statement:


    I added this right after

           with password = ''usernewpassword'';

    and ran the statement again. This time it worked. Actually it says in Profiler when you run the statement:


    So if you commit the transaction it does not roll back I guess. Let me know if it helped.

    Additionally I tried MSDASQL and as you can expect it DOES NOT run Set Implicit_Transactions on and also it does not run a couple of other SET statements. That is why it worked without Commit Transaction for you and for me to.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • You're right! You got it! You're awesome! :>

    The only difference with what you had above is that I was going from a SQL 2005 to a SQL 2005, with no SQL 2000 involved. But it still works fine for me.

    I guess this is a change in behavior from SQL 2000. However, it does make sense when reading BOL.

    Thanks a ton, Yelena!

  • Brian,

    I think it may be a bug, I tried to look it up on the web today and found the following:

    FIX: SQLOLEDB Provider incorrectly leaves transaction open

    Article ID:281633

    This article says that the fix is to obtain a recent fix for MDAC 2.6, but the APPLIES TO part goes up to MDAC 2.8 and I do run my computers on MDAC 2.81.

    The workaround is to set these Implicit_Transactions to OFF as we did. Also it recommends to set a couple of other things to OFF like:

    set implicit_transactions off SET NO_BROWSETABLE OFF



    and I do remember these other statements was set to ON in Profiler when going towards 2005 database.

    What I don't understand why it works correctly when going towards 2000 servers. 



    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • I'm looking at doing remote password changing on SQL2000 and SQL2005. Could you supply a copy of your script for the SQL2000 element. Also I want to loop through a list of about 100 servers. How can I code it to do that?

  • Hi Dave,

    Is there a reason you want to change passwords on 100+ servers? The password change is a unique event individual for each users.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Hello! Here's the main stored proc that I use (usp_ChanageSAPassword). I simply loop through a list of servers and call this procedure for each one. It's worked pretty well so far. Note that this procedure is only for the SA account. You can modify it, if you want, to change any arbitrary account's password. This is part of a system I built to securely manage (change, store, etc.) SA passwords. Hope it helps.

    use Password_Admin


    if exists


    select *

    from dbo.sysobjects with (nolock)


    id = object_id(N'[dbo].usp_ChangeSAPassword')

    and objectproperty(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1


    drop procedure [dbo].[usp_ChangeSAPassword]


    create procedure [dbo].usp_ChangeSAPassword


    Name of Procedure: usp_ChangeSAPassword

    Date Created: 02/21/06

    Created By: Brian Laws

    Description: Change the SA password for a server.

    It must exist in dbo.Servers and ChangeSAPassword must = 1

    Returns: 0 = Success, 1 = Failure

    Error codes:


    Date ModifiedDeveloperDescription of Mod/ModNumber


    05/10/06Brian Laws1. Change the command based on the SQL Server version

    exec usp_ChangeSAPassword 'WS7927', 'test', null, 'M', '2005', 1

    exec usp_ChangeSAPassword 'NT000142', 'december25', null, 'M', '2000', 1

    exec usp_ChangeSAPassword 'NT000181', 'december25', null, 'M', '2000', 1





    @OldPasswordvarchar(128) = NULL,

    @SecurityModechar(1) = 'M',

    @SQLVersionvarchar(4) = '2000',--<<1 BHL: Need to pass in the SQL version

    @Debugbit = 0




    set xact_abort off

    set nocount on

    declare @ReturnValuetinyint-- Value to return to the caller

    declare @ErrorNumint-- Captured error number

    declare @RowCountint-- Captured rows affected

    declare @sqlvarchar(2000)-- Dynamic SQL to execute on the remote server

    declare @FinalSQLvarchar(3000)-- The final dynamic SQL to execute (to enable dynamic connections)

    declare @ConnectStringvarchar(100)-- Connection string for the openrowset

    declare @Returnbit-- Return value for usp_CheckUserPassword

    declare @ErrorMessagenvarchar(4000)-- Error message to raise to the user

    declare @Providervarchar(50)-- Provider for the OPENROWSET<<1 BHL: Added

    set @ReturnValue = 1-- Default to failure

    -- First, validate the server against the Servers table and verify that it can update the SA password

    if exists (select 1 from dbo.Servers with (nolock) where ServerName = @ServerName and ChangeSAPassword = 1)


    set @Provider = 'SQLOLEDB'

    set @ConnectString = 'server=' + @ServerName + ';database=master;trusted_connection=yes'

    --<<1 BHL: If SQL 2005, use ALTER LOGIN for the command and use MSDASQL as the Provider

    if @SQLVersion = '2005'


    -- Need the fmtonly off, nocount on, and return the server name because openrowset requires a resultset

    -- Need to set implicit_transactions to on so that the transaction isn't automatically rolled back

    set @sql = 'set implicit_transactions on; set fmtonly off; set nocount on; select ''' + @ServerName + '''; '

    set @sql = @sql + 'begin try alter login sa with password = ''' + @NewPassword + ''''

    if @OldPassword is not null

    set @sql = @sql + ' old_password = ''' + @OldPassword + ''''

    -- The results will be logged as informational in the server's Application Log.

    -- Explicitly commit or rollback the transaction

    set @sql = @sql + '; if @@trancount > 0 commit transaction; raiserror(''User ' + system_user + ' succesfully changed the SA password!'', 10, 1) with log; end try begin catch if @@trancount > 0 rollback transaction; raiserror(''Error changing SA password by user ' + system_user + '!'', 16, 1) with log; end catch;'


    else-- SQL 2000 or 7.0


    -- Need the fmtonly off, nocount on, and return the server name because openrowset requires a resultset

    set @sql = 'set fmtonly off; set nocount on; select ''' + @ServerName + '''; declare @success bit; exec @success = master.dbo.sp_password @loginame = ''sa'', @new = ''' + @NewPassword + ''''

    if @OldPassword is not null

    set @sql = @sql + ', @old = ''' + @OldPassword + ''''

    -- The results will be logged as informational in the server's Application Log

    set @sql = @sql + '; if @success = 1 or @@error <> 0 raiserror(''Error changing SA password by user ' + system_user + '!'', 16, 1) with log else raiserror(''User ' + system_user + ' succesfully changed the SA password!'', 10, 1) with log'



    if @debug = 1

    print @sql

    -- Replace the single quotes with double quotes in the SQL query

    set @sql = replace(@SQL, '''', '''''')

    --<<1 BHL: Use the new @Provider variable

    -- Create the final script to execute. Needed because openrowset does not allow variables for its arguments

    set @FinalSQL = 'select 1 from openrowset(''' + @Provider + ''', ''' + @ConnectString + ''', ''' + @sql + ''')'

    -- Execute only if debug is off

    if @debug = 0


    begin try


    -- At least one record should be returned. If not, there's an error.

    if @RowCount = 0


    set @ErrorMessage = 'Error changing SA password for [' + @ServerName + '].'

    raiserror(70003, 16, 1, @ErrorMessage)




    -- If mixed security mode, check to see if the change was successful

    if @SecurityMode = 'M'


    exec @Return = dbo.usp_CheckUserPassword @ServerName, 'sa', @NewPassword, @ErrorMessage output

    if @@Error > 0 OR @Return = 1


    set @ErrorMessage = 'Error checking SA password for [' + @ServerName + ']. Error: ' + @ErrorMessage

    raiserror(70003, 16, 1, @ErrorMessage)


    set @ErrorMessage = 'Succesfully changed the SA password for server [' + @ServerName + '].'



    -- Since it is Windows Authentication only, it is not possible to verify the sa account.

    set @ErrorMessage = 'Sent SA password change request to [' + @ServerName + ']. Check the server application log for success or failure.'

    -- Update the SA password and changed date/time column

    -- Encrypt the password first

    open symmetric key Sym_Password_Admin decryption by certificate Cert_Password_Admin

    update dbo.Servers


    CurrentSAPassword = encryptbykey(key_guid('Sym_Password_Admin'), @NewPassword),

    DateTimeChanged = getdate()


    ServerName = @ServerName

    close symmetric key Sym_Password_Admin


    -- Send a success return code

    set @ReturnValue = 0

    end try

    begin catch

    -- Raise the error to the user and record in the Errors.dbo.Errors table

    declare @error_number int, @error_state int, @error_severity int, @error_procedure nvarchar(126), @error_line int

    select @error_number = isnull(error_number(), 70001), @error_state = error_state(), @error_severity = error_severity(), @error_procedure = error_procedure(), @error_line = error_line()

    set @ErrorMessage = left('Error setting SA password for server ' + @ServerName + ' ! Error Message: ' + error_message(), 4000)

    exec Errors.dbo.usp_WriteError @ErrorMessage, @error_number, @error_state, @error_severity, @error_procedure, @error_line

    end catch



    print @FinalSQL



    set @ErrorMessage = @ServerName + ' is not authorized for automatic SA password change.'

    print @ErrorMessage

    -- Log the results of the execution

    if @debug = 0


    insert into dbo.ActionHistory











    return @ReturnValue



  • Yelena Varshal (11/14/2007)

    Hi Dave,

    Is there a reason you want to change passwords on 100+ servers? The password change is a unique event individual for each users.

    Yes, I believe there is. We rely on a process I made to automatically change our SA accounts every 90 days based on our SOX standards. Doing this manually would be a nightmare, not to mention keeping track of that password.

  • Thanks very much Brian, just saved me a couple of days of work.

    Changing the passwords, and maintaining a log of success and failure, is indeed to ensure I can keep the auditors & security teams happy, and to avoid a lot of manual work on a regular basis.

  • Brian and Dave,

    these are good points and we do have SOX and FDA auditors. I am not sure they will be happy if we have uniformed SA passwords or SA passwords created by some sort of numbering scheme for all servers. We do keep things individual. How do you manage to have a unique SA password across the servers? Also, hopefully you keep the script under a source control?

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Yelena Varshal (11/14/2007)

    Brian and Dave,

    these are good points and we do have SOX and FDA auditors. I am not sure they will be happy if we have uniformed SA passwords or SA passwords created by some sort of numbering scheme for all servers. We do keep things individual. How do you manage to have a unique SA password across the servers? Also, hopefully you keep the script under a source control?

    I have a function which generates a random password, so this is called each time. The password is then stored in an encrypted column so that it can later be retrieved for use. If the database and server is secure enough, I believe the passwords will be secure as well. And yes, the code and everything is in VSS.

    I'm right now going through my project and preparing it to be posted here in case you want to use it. I want to first go through and make sure all sensitive pieces are removed.

  • Actually, I'm thinking better of posting my whole solution here. Since this system is incredibly sensitive, I'm conerned that my posting it may expose any security holes and thus make my system a potential target. Instead, just let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.

  • Yah, don't post.

    Just give me an outline of the main idea, you may use a "Private Message" feature

    When you say Encrypted Column you mean encryption with symmetric key or something or you mean the custom encryption function that can decrypt when need to read the data?

    What probably concerns me most, is how many people have access to this information. You may reply only if you feel comfotable replying to this question.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

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