Openrowset cannot connect

  • This is strange. I am running an openrowset using a login that I have confirmed the password on and it is getting a login failure when I run the openrowset. I can log in interactively with this login (it is a SQL login) and successfully execute the select that I am trying to run with the openrowset. It is erroring with a "Login failed for ...". I know that the password is correct cause I cut and pasted it into the login box for SSMS (it is a SQL2K db). I also know that I can execute remote queries because anoter user can execute a different query.

    A ideas? This is a really perplexing one for me.

  • Can you post us the query that you are using i hope somewhere you are passing the wrong parameters.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

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