OPENQUERY within CASE Statement - It may just be too much for TSQL

  • I'm looking for guidance.  This is on a SQL 2014 server.

    I want to create a view that takes two columns, Domain00, and Account00, from one table and add a 3rd column, distinguishedName.  Account00 is the name of a group, and Domain00 is the domain to which that group belongs.  Some of these groups are local groups, others are from 1 of 2 Active Directory domains.  I want distinguishedName to be the distinguishedName of the AD groups, and NULL for the local groups.

    This issues I'm running into are that in OPENQUERY, I cannot pass a variable (in this case Account00) as part of my query).  I CAN pass the entire SELECT statement, but that means setting a variable in my CASE statement.  As I've read, I cannot do that.  I was going to change my CASE statement into an IF/THEN, but I've read that it's not a good I haven't been able to make it work.

    I had the bright idea to create another query that retrieved the distriguishedName for ALL groups, but I hit the ADSI limit on records returns.  I have too many groups that begin with the letter G to even break them up into smaller chunks.

    Can I do something like this with a procedure? 

    For giggles, this works...meaning it returns the distinguishedName  for the group specified in the OPENQUERY SELECT for all groups from DOMAIN1:

    SELECT  Domain00
            ,distinguishedName =
        WHEN Domain00 = DOMAIN1
           SELECT distinguishedName
             ,'SELECT distinguishedName
             FROM ''LDAP://DC=DOMAIN1,DC=com''
             WHERE objectCategory = ''Group''
             AND cn=''G-Bothersome People'''
        WHEN Domain00 = DOMAIN2
        ELSE NULL
    FROM dbo.[v_Test_LocalGroupMembers-SubGroups]

  • Why not create a Script Task in VB language within an SSIS package, that runs the LDAP query results either into a SQL Server table using ADO code, or into a text file, which can then be imported to SQL in the same package...   That might get you away from the ADSI limit.   Not sure if using VB to run the LDAP query will have the same limitations or not, though.   You'll just have to try...

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • I'm not entirely sure why you want a view here, if this is a recordset that you want to use regularly and JOIN to it, then you probably want to pull the data into a table as suggested above, and reference that. Of course you have to keep that updated to be useful.

    Alternatively, you are correct, you can do this in a stored procedure or table-valued function, if you build the entire OPENQUERY() statement within a string and then execute that. This would work if you just wanted one group, if you want everything then I would think this would be a terrible idea. But you could use this to update your local table maybe on some scheduled basis. YOU WILL WANT TO TEST THIS. If you have that many groups, a billion OPENQUERY() statements is insanity. But hey, you asked.

    Sorry about lousy formatting, it's late and I don't feel like trying to figure it out

    --You won't need this part, but since I didn't have your objects, I mocked them up

    if object_id('Tempdb..[##v_Test_LocalGroupMembers-SubGroups]') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [##v_Test_LocalGroupMembers-SubGroups] END;

    CREATE TABLE [##v_Test_LocalGroupMembers-SubGroups](iRow int identity(1,1),Domain00 varchar(10),Account00 varchar(60));

    INSERT INTO [##v_Test_LocalGroupMembers-SubGroups] (Domain00,Account00)

    SELECT 'DOMAIN1','G-Bothersome People' UNION

    SELECT 'DOMAIN2','G-Peoplesome Bothers' UNION

    SELECT 'DOMAIN3','G-Never Can Tell With Bees'
    --end my mockup, now down to tacks of brass, let's create you a procedure
    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spUpdateDistinguishedNames
    DECLARE @sql varchar(max);

    SELECT @sql = COALESCE(@sql,'') + 'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI,''SELECT distinguishedName

    FROM ''''LDAP://DC='+Domain00+',DC=com''''

    WHERE objectCategory = ''''Group''''

    AND cn='''''+Account00+''''''')



    FROM [##v_Test_LocalGroupMembers-SubGroups]--dbo.[v_Test_LocalGroupMembers-SubGroups]--horrible name, by the way

    WHERE --change this WHERE clause as necessary

    Account00 LIKE 'G%'

    SET @sql = 'INSERT INTO someTableYouBuiltToHoldDistinguishedNames ' --see, I can make terrible names too
    SUBSTRING(@sql,1,LEN(@sql)-12) --chop off the last UNION

    PRINT @sql --view what you've created, once happy, comment this out

    --EXEC(@SQL)--once you're happy, uncomment and it will run it to return you a dataset


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  • I forgot you wanted to conditionally look for something or NULL. I think this is the CASE you wanted, replace the guts of the proc above with this:

    SELECT @sql = COALESCE(@sql,'')


    CASE WHEN Domain00 IN ('Domain1','Domain2') THEN

    'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI,''SELECT '''''+Domain00+''''' AS [Domain00],'''''+Account00+''''' AS [Account00],distinguishedName

    FROM ''''LDAP://DC='+Domain00+',DC=com''''

    WHERE objectCategory = ''''Group''''

    AND cn='''''+Account00+''''''')



    ELSE 'SELECT '''+Domain00+''' AS [Domain00],'''+Account00+''' AS [Account00],NULL AS distinguishedName




    FROM [##v_Test_LocalGroupMembers-SubGroups]--dbo.[v_Test_LocalGroupMembers-SubGroups]

    WHERE --change this WHERE clause as necessary, maybe pass in a parameter to use in the LIKE

    Account00 LIKE 'G%'

    SET @sql = SUBSTRING(@sql,1,LEN(@sql)-14) + 'ORDER BY Domain00, Account00' --chop off the last UNION and add an order by clause

    PRINT @sql --view what you've created, once happy, comment this out

    --EXEC(@SQL)--once you're happy, uncomment and run it

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  • Thank you, I'll give this a try.  I only have a few groups I want to query, and understanding that there are no guaranties in life, I'm pretty sure it will always be that way. 

    Your note that my view had a horrible name.  You were right.  Between my original post and your reply, I discovered that the hard way.  I tried applying the latest update to SCCM and it kept failing because of the hyphens.  Lesson learned.

    FYI - I have a table that SCCM created of all of the members of local groups on my client systems.  Some of those members are other groups.  I want to create a report that will show all of the USERS that are local admins.  Phase 2 will be to add columns to show how they are granted that access; direct group membership or sub-group membership.  This will hopefully get me a step closer to realizing this dream.

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