Openquery update using a join.

  • I need to update a Sybase ASE table from a MS Sql server (2000 now, 2005 soon).

    I can get inserts to work, but how do I update ASE from MS?

    The only examples I can find are trivial. Can I update with a join?

    In a nutshell..

    Both databases have an emp table with columns emp_id{pkey}, emp_name, emp_status

    ASE linked server is ASEls, ASE server is ASE, db is myasedb

    MS server is MS, db is mymsdb

    insert openquery(ASEls,'select emp_id, emp_name, emp_status' from myasedb..emp where 1=0')

    select emp_id, emp_name, emp_status from mymsdb

    [note: there is more to the query that inserts only new rows, but it would just get in the way here]

    All the examples I have found restrict the openquery select (ASEls in my case) to a single row.

    I want to update all the rows that have changed since the last update.

    update openquery(ASEls,'select emp_id, emp_name, emp_status' from myasedb..emp '

    set emp_name = ms.dbo.emp_name,

    emp_status = ms.dbo.emp_status

    from ms.dbo.emp_status

    where ms.dbo.emp_id = ???????????????

    I'm stuck here. I do not know how the join works with openquery.

    I workaround will be to create a emp_update table on ASE, insert to it, let an ASE insert trigger update the emp table, but I hoped to do it with openquery.


  • In my experience linking to a MySQL database, you simply surround your OPENQUERY statement in parenthesis and place it into your join.

    SELECT a.*, b.* FROM tbl1 INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([LinkedServerName],'SELECT * FROM [tblname];') b

    I know that this works for MySQL from SQL.  Not too sure about Sybase.


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