OPENQUERY - include in function

  • I have a stored procedure that includes an openquery for a linked server:


    @MPMS_NO numeric(6, 0)


    DECLARE @sql varchar(3000)

    SET @sql =

     'SELECT ShortTitle

     FROM OPENQUERY (MPMS, ''select t047project.prjct_shrt_titl_tx AS ShortTitle from t047project where prjct_id = ' + Convert( varchar(20), @MPMS_NO ) + ' '' )'

    EXEC( @sql )


    The query alwasy returns only one record so I wanted to create a function that would except a @MPMS_NO  parameter and return a record. I was hoping to call this function from within another SQL statement, pass a field to it and get the result in the recordset, somehting like this:

    SELECT table.field1, table.field2, myFunction(table.MPMS_NO)  FROM...

    Is it possible to do something like this? I'm struggling with syntax to get it done, since the finction must return a value but my in case there is only sql execution. Thanks!

  • OPENQUERY runs on the target server and returns a result set to the local server. If you want to join tables across servers (and I think that is what you are trying to do), then you need to use four part naming with a conventional join. Perhaps you can use OPENQUERY to return a set to a temporary table (or just as a derived table) and then join to that in the local database so as to reduce network traffic, which is the key consideration here. If you are going to have a function referenced in the OPENQUERY, then that function has to be on the target server.

  • You cannot execute dynamic sql within a body of function unless its an extended stored procedure..u can do something like this in the body of function..

    return(SELECT lastname


    (LkServer2, 'select lastname from northwind.dbo.employees where firstname=''NANCY'' '))

    if u see this, i have hardcoded the first name but i cannot pass it as a parameter because that will turn it into a dyna sql and will require EXEC which we cannot do in a function..

    Anyone having different ideas, i wud be glad to hear



  • I was assuming that he needed to filter his results based on a table in the local database. Lets say that we need Nancies whose surnames match some list. Then you could do :

    SELECT sl.SomeFields

    FROM SurnameList sl

    JOIN (OPENQUERY (LkServer2,

    'select lastname

    from northwind.dbo.employees

    where firstname=''NANCY'' ')) oq

    ON oq.lastname = sl.lastname

    This way, we keep network traffic to a minimum.

  • But the catch is how to execute this in a function i.e. i dun wanna hardcode "Nancy" instead of that i want to use say @lastname now, here is the issue..we cannot use EXEC statement to execute this dynamic SQL within a function...hope im correct on this...i put in 1 hour but no luck 🙁

  • You can't use a function in the way that you want. Can you write the relevant values to a temporary table on the target server and then join to that in the OPENQUERY?

  • Yes, that's probably the only solution in this case: writing into a temp table. Thanks all for your replies!

  • But u can't use a #temp or create table within function body..u will have to either go the stored proc way or create a 1 column paramater table if u wanna use it in of lcuk 🙂


  • Hi,

    did you try to create a view containing the OPENQUERY to the linked Server, and use the function to select from this view?


    Best regards

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