OPENJSON - unnamed nested array

  • Currently working on sql script to extract from JSON file(s) but i've come across an unnamed array within a named array

    Wondering if anybody had any idea how to extract this? rest of my script is working fine using CROSS APPLY OPENJSON to extract what i require and where the arrays are named i'm having no problems but this has got me completely stumped.

    Hoping somebody out there can do an old man a favour!!!!

    "DataRepeating": [



    "DataItem": {

    "parentId": 1






  • Is it possible that you can post an example that contains some actual data, along with your desired results based on that example? It might also be helpful to see your existing query.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Sure, its the final cross apply which is the issue. Have also attached section of the file which hopefully highlights what my issue is

    Thanks for looking into it












    policyStatus NVARCHAR(25) '$.policy.status',

    riskData NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.riskData' AS JSON

    ) AS jrd

    CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(jrd.riskData)



    riskSections NVARCHAR(MAX) AS JSON

    ) p

    CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (p.riskSections)



    sectionName NVARCHAR(255),

    riskDataRepeating NVARCHAR(MAX) AS JSON

    ) rdr

    CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (rdr.riskDataRepeating)



    parentDataId INT '$.riskDataItem.parentDataId',

    dataId INT,

    isRated BIT,

    id NVARCHAR(255),

    label NVARCHAR(255),

    value NVARCHAR(255),

    previousDataId INT

    ) rdi

    WHERE policyStatus IN ('adc','ads','alp','aoc','aqt','arj','can','ndc','nds','nia','niq','nlp','noc','nqt','nrj','qtd','rdc','rlp','roc','rqt','rrj')

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  • When there is no name provided for an array you could use OPENJSON without specifying a schema and then refer to the array as '[value]' (with appropriate table/tvf alias'ing) in subsequent paths.  In the code both 'jdr' and 'jval' alias schema-less OPENJSON functions.  Maybe something like this

    declare @json       nvarchar(max)=N'
    "DataRepeating": [
    "DataItem": {
    "parentId": 1

    select json_value(jval.[value], N'$.DataItem.parentId') parent_id
    from openjson(@json)
    with (DataRepeating nvarchar(max) as json) asj
    cross apply openjson(asj.DataRepeating) jdr
    cross apply openjson(jdr.[value]) jval;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Steve that works perfectly, you've saved me from losing even more hair!

    Thanks for your help on this



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