Openjson problem?

  • I got a problem with some json data, and getting to read it column by column in sql.

    The json
    "api": {
      "results": 2,
      "names": {
      "1": {
       "firstname": "Ole",
       "lastname": "Hansen"
      "2": {
       "firstname": "Jesper",
       "lastname": "Hansen"

    The Sql:
    SELECT *
    FROM OPENJSON(@json,'$.api.names')
    firstname nvarchar(255),
    lastname nvarchar(255)
    ) a

    My problem is that I cant get it output in rows with:
    firstname and lastname in the same row

    What I can do is  do a
    SELECT *
    FROM OPENJSON(@json,'$.api.names')

    And then it will return the json data from  from each "object" in a row as json format

    Whats my problem? Can anybody understand what I mean or is it total jibbirish?

  • And if I do like this

    SELECT *
    FROM OPENJSON(@json,'$.api.names."1"')
    firstname nvarchar(255),
    lastname nvarchar(255)
    ) a

    I can get the first "row" just like I should, but I want all "rows" in the same query?

  • Hi Tommy,

    If you can modify the query (along with the JSON) like below, it might help:

    "api": {
    "results": 2,
    "names": [
          "firstname": "Ole",
          "lastname": "Hansen"
          "firstname": "Jesper",
          "lastname": "Hansen"

    SELECT * FROM OPENJSON(@MyJson, '$.api.names')
    firstname nvarchar(255),
    lastname nvarchar(255)
    ) a

    Is it desired?


  • That is the desired results - however, I would love a solution where I didnt have to change the JSON - is that possible?

  • I fear that may not be possible as the format that you gave is not valid as you can check below:

    DECLARE @TestJson VARCHAR(MAX) = '{
    "api": {
    "results": 2,
    "names": {
    "1": {
      "firstname": "Ole",
      "lastname": "Hansen"
    "2": {
      "firstname": "Jesper",
      "lastname": "Hansen"
    SELECT ISJSON(@TestJson)

  • Ahh thats why:) I will go ahead and change the source JSON, thanks for your input and help:)

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