openjson - google books api

  • Morning everyone.

    I am trying to extract multiple authors from the google books api however when I try to return the array I only return one. On other api's I dont have the problem could it be because of the line feed?

    The api returns:


    "kind": "books#volumes",

    "totalItems": 1,

    "items": [


    "kind": "books#volume",

    "id": "_lMPDAAAQBAJ",

    "etag": "+WL3c0a7Lfw",

    "selfLink": "",

    "volumeInfo": {

    "title": "Superforecasting",

    "subtitle": "The Art and Science of Prediction",

    "authors": [

    "Philip Tetlock",

    "Dan Gardner"


    "publisher": "Random House",

    "publishedDate": "2016-04-07",

    "description": "What if we could improve our ability to predict the future? Everything we do involves forecasts about how the future will unfold. Whether buying a new house or changing job, designing a new product or getting married, our decisions are governed by implicit predictions of how things are likely to turn out. The problem is, we're not very good at it. In a landmark, twenty-year study, Wharton professor Philip Tetlock showed that the average expert was only slightly better at predicting the future than a layperson using random guesswork. Tetlock's latest project âe\" an unprecedented, government-funded forecasting tournament involving over a million individual predictions âe\" has since shown that there are, however, some people with real, demonstrable foresight. These are ordinary people, from former ballroom dancers to retired computer programmers, who have an extraordinary ability to predict the future with a degree of accuracy 60% greater than average. They are superforecasters. In Superforecasting, Tetlock and his co-author Dan Gardner offer a fascinating insight into what we can learn from this elite group. They show the methods used by these superforecasters which enable them to outperform even professional intelligence analysts with access to classified data. And they offer practical advice on how we can all use these methods for our own benefit âe\" whether in business, in international affairs, or in everyday life.",

    "industryIdentifiers": [


    "type": "ISBN_13",

    "identifier": "9781847947154"



    "type": "ISBN_10",

    "identifier": "1847947158"



    "readingModes": {

    "text": false,

    "image": false


    "pageCount": 352,

    "printType": "BOOK",

    "averageRating": 4.0,

    "ratingsCount": 36,

    "maturityRating": "NOT_MATURE",

    "allowAnonLogging": false,

    "contentVersion": "preview-1.0.0",

    "imageLinks": {

    "smallThumbnail": "",

    "thumbnail": ""


    "language": "en",

    "previewLink": "",

    "infoLink": "",

    "canonicalVolumeLink": ""


    "saleInfo": {

    "country": "GB",

    "saleability": "NOT_FOR_SALE",

    "isEbook": false


    "accessInfo": {

    "country": "GB",

    "viewability": "PARTIAL",

    "embeddable": true,

    "publicDomain": false,

    "textToSpeechPermission": "ALLOWED_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY",

    "epub": {

    "isAvailable": false


    "pdf": {

    "isAvailable": false


    "webReaderLink": "",

    "accessViewStatus": "SAMPLE",

    "quoteSharingAllowed": false


    "searchInfo": {

    "textSnippet": "These are ordinary people, from former ballroom dancers to retired computer programmers, who have an extraordinary ability to predict the future with a degree of accuracy 60% greater than average. They are superforecasters."





    I am using the following SQL

    SET @returnedCitation = REPLACE(REPLACE(@returnedCitation , CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(10), '')


    1 as ID, * FROM OPENJSON (JSON_QUERY(@returnedCitation, '$.items[0].volumeInfo.authors'))

    SELECT *

    FROM OPENJSON(JSON_QUERY(@returnedCitation, '$.items'));

    Neither of these return more than Philip Tetlock

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

    Many Thanks,


  • some progress, if I only take a portion of the json it works fine?!? only problem is that I cannot take just a portion

    declare @json varchar(max)

    SET @json = '{

    "items": [


    "kind": "books#volume",

    "id": "_lMPDAAAQBAJ",

    "etag": "+WL3c0a7Lfw",

    "selfLink": "",

    "volumeInfo": {

    "title": "Superforecasting",

    "subtitle": "The Art and Science of Prediction",

    "authors": [

    "Philip Tetlock",

    "Dan Gardner"





    SELECT *

    FROM OPENJSON(JSON_QUERY(@json, '$.items[0].volumeInfo.authors'));



    0Philip Tetlock1

    1Dan Gardner1

  • Quick suggestion, simply use OPENJSON with the path name, no need to use JSON_QUERY






    DECLARE @returnedCitation NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'{

    "kind": "books#volumes",

    "totalItems": 1,

    "items": [


    "kind": "books#volume",

    "id": "_lMPDAAAQBAJ",

    "etag": "+WL3c0a7Lfw",

    "selfLink": "",

    "volumeInfo": {

    "title": "Superforecasting",

    "subtitle": "The Art and Science of Prediction",

    "authors": [

    "Philip Tetlock",

    "Dan Gardner"


    "publisher": "Random House",

    "publishedDate": "2016-04-07",

    "description": "What if we could improve our ability to predict the future? Everything we do involves forecasts about how the future will unfold. Whether buying a new house or changing job, designing a new product or getting married, our decisions are governed by implicit predictions of how things are likely to turn out. The problem is, we''re not very good at it. In a landmark, twenty-year study, Wharton professor Philip Tetlock showed that the average expert was only slightly better at predicting the future than a layperson using random guesswork. Tetlock''s latest project âe\" an unprecedented, government-funded forecasting tournament involving over a million individual predictions âe\" has since shown that there are, however, some people with real, demonstrable foresight. These are ordinary people, from former ballroom dancers to retired computer programmers, who have an extraordinary ability to predict the future with a degree of accuracy 60% greater than average. They are superforecasters. In Superforecasting, Tetlock and his co-author Dan Gardner offer a fascinating insight into what we can learn from this elite group. They show the methods used by these superforecasters which enable them to outperform even professional intelligence analysts with access to classified data. And they offer practical advice on how we can all use these methods for our own benefit âe\" whether in business, in international affairs, or in everyday life.",

    "industryIdentifiers": [


    "type": "ISBN_13",

    "identifier": "9781847947154"



    "type": "ISBN_10",

    "identifier": "1847947158"



    "readingModes": {

    "text": false,

    "image": false


    "pageCount": 352,

    "printType": "BOOK",

    "averageRating": 4.0,

    "ratingsCount": 36,

    "maturityRating": "NOT_MATURE",

    "allowAnonLogging": false,

    "contentVersion": "preview-1.0.0",

    "imageLinks": {

    "smallThumbnail": "",

    "thumbnail": ""


    "language": "en",

    "previewLink": "",

    "infoLink": "",

    "canonicalVolumeLink": ""


    "saleInfo": {

    "country": "GB",

    "saleability": "NOT_FOR_SALE",

    "isEbook": false


    "accessInfo": {

    "country": "GB",

    "viewability": "PARTIAL",

    "embeddable": true,

    "publicDomain": false,

    "textToSpeechPermission": "ALLOWED_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY",

    "epub": {

    "isAvailable": false


    "pdf": {

    "isAvailable": false


    "webReaderLink": "",

    "accessViewStatus": "SAMPLE",

    "quoteSharingAllowed": false


    "searchInfo": {

    "textSnippet": "These are ordinary people, from former ballroom dancers to retired computer programmers, who have an extraordinary ability to predict the future with a degree of accuracy 60% greater than average. They are superforecasters."









    FROM OPENJSON(@returnedCitation,'$.items[0].volumeInfo.authors') OJV;


    key value type

    ------ ---------------- ----

    0 Philip Tetlock 1

    1 Dan Gardner 1

  • Thank you, this works in your example but when I pull it from google it doesnt. Please try with the full script below. (I will replace the api key later).

    CREATE function [dbo].[GetHttp]


    @url varchar(8000)


    returns varchar(8000)




    DECLARE @win int

    DECLARE @hr int

    DECLARE @text varchar(8000)

    EXEC @hr=sp_OACreate 'WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1',@win OUT

    IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @win

    EXEC @hr=sp_OAMethod @win, 'Open',NULL,'GET',@url,'false'

    IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @win

    EXEC @hr=sp_OAMethod @win,'Send'

    IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @win

    EXEC @hr=sp_OAGetProperty @win,'ResponseText',@text OUTPUT

    IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @win

    EXEC @hr=sp_OADestroy @win

    IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @win

    RETURN @text



    DECLARE@ISBN varchar(150) = '9781847947154'


    @urlPrefix varchar(300) = ''

    ,@urlComplete varchar(2000)

    ,@returnedCitation nvarchar(4000)

    SET @urlComplete = @urlPrefix + @ISBN + @urlKEY;

    select @returnedCitation = dbo.GetHttp(@urlComplete) ;






    FROM OPENJSON(@returnedCitation,'$.items[0].volumeInfo.authors') OJV;

    This only returns one result


    0Philip Tetlock1

  • it's strange, when I try with a different ISBN it works fine e.g. 0273767062

    3 authors are returned?

    really odd

  • olibbhq (7/11/2016)

    Thank you, this works in your example but when I pull it from google it doesnt. Please try with the full script below. (I will replace the api key later).

    This only returns one result


    0Philip Tetlock1

    This is because that is the only author returned by the API


    ... "authors": [ "Philip Tetlock" ],...

  • Thank you, I have been so caught up with the issue I must have mixed up the isbn's! Thank you so much for helping me with the fix, tested it now on a few others and it works perfectly.

    Thank you again!

  • olibbhq (7/11/2016)

    Thank you, I have been so caught up with the issue I must have mixed up the isbn's! Thank you so much for helping me with the fix, tested it now on a few others and it works perfectly.

    Thank you again!

    You are very welcome


    BTW if you use the ISBN-13 value of 9780771070525 you will get both authors;-)

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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