Open Query

  • I'm looking for a solution to a problem that I'm having with OpenQuery. I need a way to parametrize the server value. In the past I've accomplished this by creating a string then using the exec(@string) to do selects, but this will now work for my insert statements. Does anyone have an insight or direction that may help?

    Declare @servername nvarchar(50)

    Set @servername = 'somevalue'

    SELECT * from OPENQUERY(@Servername,

    SELECT * FROM Other.Server)


  • Declare @servername nvarchar(50)

    Set @servername = 'somevalue'

    SELECT * from OPENQUERY(@Servername,

    SELECT * FROM Other.Server)

    I think what you are looking for is a dynamic query.



    Declare @servername nvarchar(50), @sql varchar(max)

    Set @servername = 'somevalue'

    select @sql = 'SELECT * from OPENQUERY( ' + @Servername + ' , SELECT * FROM Other.Server) ' [/code]


  • Well, this is a bit out of the box and I've not done this before, but it may be an option for you to try. You may be able to write your OPENQUERY statement with a static linked server name and make the connection dynamic by creating the linked server prior to running the statement. See below:

    Declare @servername nvarchar(50)

    Set @servername = 'somevalue'

    sp_addlinkedserver --configure linked server here w/ your @servername value

    SELECT * from OPENQUERY(MyServer,

    SELECT * FROM Other.Server)

    sp_dropserver --remove server

    Again, I have not done this before, but it may work and get you around your no-dynamic requirement. You could even add some logic to only add/create the server if the servername is different than the existing linked server name.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

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