Online Repair and Recovery

  • Gurus,

    Does SQL offers Online Repair and Recovery of tables, etc?  I know this feature is available in oracle.  I'm just wondering if sql has this option.  I know that sql can recover point-in-time but that would be an offline process.



  • To determine if there are space allocation or structural integrity problems,  Database Command Console (DBCC) command.  There are 6 commands that determine the granularity of the checking such as CHECKTABLE for a single table or CHECKDB for everything.  See Books OnLine under DBCC CHECK

    Most of these checks have the option to repair but some of the options allow data loss.

    For Recovery, SQL Server natively supports database granularity and does not support recovery of an individual table.

    For table level recovery, there are third party tools such as Log P.I at or Log Explorer at www.

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

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