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  • I'm not a big gamer, sticking mostly to puzzle games, such as Cubix, Bejeweled, Shapo, etc. on the MSN Game Zone, but I there are a few I like. Doom 3 being one my son and I are working our way through. We have a Playstation at home, but for me it's mostly a retro box where I play Galaga, Pac-man, and a few others from my youth. Managing ten or twelve controls eludes me, so I'm not big on many of the newer games.

    But my son has been clamoring for an XBOX. Never mind that most every game on the XBOX is on the Playstation as well, but somehow the XBOX marketing has sucked him in and it's "cooler" to him. I've resisted to date, but who knows with birthdays and Christmas and his continued efforts at wearing me down.

    One thing that has bolstered me in my heal digging is the fact that both the Playstation and XBOX should receive updates late this year or next year with the XBOX 2 and Playstation 3 both coming out. The initial prototypes and demos are supposed to appear at E3 this year in May. But late last week, Sony upstaged the potential Microsoft XBOX 2 press conference.

    Initially Sony was supposed to hold a press conference Tuesday morning, around the same time that Nintendo would hold theirs. Microsoft had one scheduled for Monday night. However Sony just announced that they would hold a Monday afternoon conference, upstaging Microsoft by about 3 hours.

    Not that I think it's a big deal, since the hardware is preliminary, the design could change somewhat, and more importantly, my son won't be able to beg for one for another 6 months at least. So who cares which press conference is first.

    Personally I'd love to see Microsoft move theirs to a Monday lunch meeting. Just to see if Sony would change again. Heck, if I were a journalist, I'd be pushing the press conference wars for all they're worth. Some lucky writers might end up with Sunday Brunch and Halo 3!!

    Steve Jones

  • The great thing about an X-box is that you can chip it, upgrade the hard disk and get a fairly decent linux install on it for £99!

    I think the hand controllers are more ergonomic than the playstation. Easier to use with arthritis.

    As a backup DVD player it is pretty good as well.

    The downside seems to be that the games for X-Box are vastly more expensive than Playstation games and at the end of the day it is all about the games.

    A game lives or dies by its fitness for purpose. I have seen some extremely beautiful, but ultimately boring games and by the same token I have seen games with crude graphics that you just can't help going back to. I think there is a lesson for all software developers to learn from looking at a long-lived game.

  • True, the Linux kits for PS2 were an add-on and aren't available in all places anymore. Also, the new PS2s since they're slimmed down can't support a hard drive, meaning no more PS2 Linux on those systems. It also means no more Final Fantasy Online, which was kind of surprising.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I'm looking forward to SQL SERVER 2005 for XBOX2

  • I'm assuming you heard about Steve's breaking story of SQL Server on Linux, right?

    K. Brian Kelley

  • As a matter of fact Microsoft DID already react and is now planning a world wide TV event in collabo with MTV to showcase their new product days before the E3.


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