One to many relation

  • I have two tables


    recordid description

    1001 ABC

    1002 DEF


    id Status time recordid

    1 NEW 2hr 1001

    2 PEND 1hr 1001

    3 NEW 5hr 1002

    i want a report that is like

    recordid description status-new-time status-pend-time

    how can i do this???

  • qamar 52306 (9/6/2012)

    I have two tables


    recordid description

    1001 ABC

    1002 DEF


    id Status time recordid

    1 NEW 2hr 1001

    2 PEND 1hr 1001

    3 NEW 5hr 1002

    i want a report that is like

    recordid description status-new-time status-pend-time

    how can i do this???

    If Status & recordid together are unique in Table2, you can use this:

    SELECT r.recordid

    , r.description

    , sn.time AS status-new-time

    , sp.time AS status-pend-time

    FROM Table1 r

    LEFT JOIN Table2 sn ON r.recordid=s.recordid AND Status='NEW'

    LEFT JOIN Table2 sp ON r.recordid=s.recordid AND Status='PEND'

    Otherwise, I think alias sn & sp should be converted to subqueries.

  • I'd guess you'd want something like a PIVOT.

    Something like

    SELECT T1.recordid,


    MAX(Case WHEN T2.Status = 'New' THEN T2.time END) AS NEwStatus,

    MAX(Case WHEN T2.Status = 'PEND' THEN T2.time END) AS PendStatus

    FROM Table1 AS T1 JOIN Table2 AS T2 ON T1.recordid = T2.recordid

    GROUP BY T1.recordid, T1.description

  • Or, Using the actual PIVOT statement.

    SELECT recordId,

    [description], [NEW], [PEND]

    FROM ( SELECT T1.recordId, T1.description, T2.Status, T2.Time

    FROM Table1 AS T1 JOIN Table2 AS T2 ON T1.recordid = T2.recordid ) F

    PIVOT ( MAX(Time) FOR Status in ([NEW], [PEND]) ) AS P;

  • Thanks ryan.mcatee brother, it solved my problem

    thanks for quick response

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