One to many in a t-sql statement

  • I'm trying to work out the best way to create this view.

    The best way to think of it is to think of the order/order details analogy.

    I do a couple of joins to come up with my main columns but now need to join to another column which will contain one or more records that satisfy the inner join.

    Ultimately I don't want to be showing the duplicated data from each row returned from the join.

    (This view will be for a BI solution and will run overnight so performance is not top of the requirements list. The view will be the source for a SSIS package)

    My initial data can be thought of as

    ID Name Description

    I now need to join against OtherID, Name, ID (FK)

    My current return would be

    1 'John' 'Some description' 9 'Some Name' 1

    1 'John' 'Some description' 10 'Some other Name' 1

    1 'John' 'Some description' 11 'Some other other Name' 1

    Ultimately I need to return (or at least display)

    1 'John' 'Some Description' 9 'Some Name' 10 'Some other Name' 11 'Some other other Name'

    As I say, this is the source for a SSIS package so anything that can be done in the transform leg of the journey will be ok too.

    This is 2008R2 so any future t-sql enhancements won't be an option

  • You mentioned SSIS, so I assume you need to create some delimited file in the end.

    If that's correct, then this should work for you:

    SELECT Id, name, ColList

    FROM msdb.sys.sysobjects o



    SELECT ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), c.colID ) + '-' + name

    FROM msdb.sys.syscolumns c

    WHERE =

    ORDER BY colid


    ).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'

    ), 1,1,''


    ) CL (ColList)

    WHERE name = 'sysjobs'

    I used here comma as a delimiter.

    You you have to use another one - place it instead of comma in CROSS APPLY query.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Hi, no the denormalised result set will go into a SQL table that will feed BI "bits"

  • Jay@Work (10/20/2016)

    Hi, no the denormalised result set will go into a SQL table that will feed BI "bits"

    How many columns in that denormalised table?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Not sure yet, this is a work in progress. Given the nature of the data the number of columns returned from the source would be variable as would the values.

    This may help explain it better.

    The data revolves around building work.

    The main columns will be Owner, Address, Work Type, Completion Date.

    The extra data (where the one to many comes in) is around trades people who worked on the building work

    So 1 row may look like

    John, 123 some place, new roof, carpenter, Steve, Tiler, Jim

    Another may be

    Fred, 99 Other Place, Build Garage, Carpenter, Jill, Electrician, Jack, Painter, Bill, Drain Layer, Andrew

    So the number of trade columns is variable could be 1 set (trade type/name) could be 20.

    In the source database these records are joined by a many to many table.

    TradeType, WorkID, TradesPersonID

    I'm wondering if I am overcomplicating things by trying to denormalise this - perhaps it would be better to duplicate the structure in the destination database?




    I have yet to design the destination DB or the SSIS queries to populate it

  • Jay@Work (10/20/2016)

    Not sure yet, this is a work in progress. Given the nature of the data the number of columns returned from the source would be variable as would the values.

    This may help explain it better.

    The data revolves around building work.

    The main columns will be Owner, Address, Work Type, Completion Date.

    The extra data (where the one to many comes in) is around trades people who worked on the building work

    So 1 row may look like

    John, 123 some place, new roof, carpenter, Steve, Tiler, Jim

    Another may be

    Fred, 99 Other Place, Build Garage, Carpenter, Jill, Electrician, Jack, Painter, Bill, Drain Layer, Andrew

    So the number of trade columns is variable could be 1 set (trade type/name) could be 20.

    In the source database these records are joined by a many to many table.

    TradeType, WorkID, TradesPersonID

    I'm wondering if I am overcomplicating things by trying to denormalise this - perhaps it would be better to duplicate the structure in the destination database?




    I have yet to design the destination DB or the SSIS queries to populate it

    I see you're already starting to realise that you're idea is not doable.

    Try to decide of further details - not only number of columns, but their names, data types, try to write a query to find out who was doing roofing job for a site - it will help you to ditch this approach for good.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • I'm sure it is doable e.g. create a table data type which contains names and values and loop through the values trade=roofer, name=John

    I'm just starting to think it may not be worth while though worthwhile though.

    Think I'll just SSIS the relevant values from all the 3 tables and put them into the destination table for reporting against

  • Jay@Work (10/20/2016)

    I'm sure it is doable e.g. create a table data type which contains names and values and loop through the values trade=roofer, name=John

    I'm just starting to think it may not be worth while though worthwhile though.

    Think I'll just SSIS the relevant values from all the 3 tables and put them into the destination table for reporting against

    Once again - try to write a CREATE TABLE statement for that "destination table for reporting".

    And SELECT statement you intend to use for reporting.

    Just to confirm it's doable.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • I'm going to stick with the simplest option and this is to reconstruct the same table structure in the destination as in the source.

    I recently had a similar challenge where I had to create a way to store (and select) an unknown number of rows with variable column names.

    This was because the web app had a repeater control where the user could click to add another set of (repeated) questions.

    We had no way of knowing if we were going to insert 1 row or 10 and what the row headers would be.

    Not keen to go back down that road for a while yet 🙂

  • If you must have all in one row, you can opt for the names of the people on the project to be stored in a XML type column.


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