November 16, 2004 at 5:19 pm
How can I allow users to paste a list of customer numbers into one big parameter ?
1. user goes to
2. ASP page displays "Enter Customer Number" and provides a 14 row "textbox" to insert 14 customer numbers, 1 number on each line
3. user clicks "Submit" and a SQL statement splits each row into a seperate "WHERE" statement.
I have ASP/SQL code that will do one parameter, I just need to know how to "split each row into a seperate WHERE statement" automatically since users want to "paste" their info without having to rekey each number into a seperate box.
Please Help !
November 16, 2004 at 5:42 pm
This sounds like the Fedex package tracking page, where you can enter multiple tracking numbers in an input. The way I've done it is to define the parameter to the stored proc as varchar, with the length = (number digits in customer number + 1) * (max allowed count of customer numbers). So if your customer number is five digits long, the parm is (5+1)*14 or varchar(84). Then in the page, in Javascript, I substring one customer number at a time and append a delimiter. So if the user enters three customer numbers, 12345, 44444, and 33333, my input box has "123454444433333" in it. I loop thru that five characters at a time and come up with "12345,44444,33333,". My stored procedure then loops through that to get each customer number, and maybe stashes them in a table variable to operate on elsewhere in the procedure. Or, instead of breaking up the big string into separate, delimited strings on your page, you can do that in the stored proc.
November 16, 2004 at 9:56 pm
Yes, that is what I am trying to accomplish.
Please post some sample code if possible.
It does not have to be perfect, just something to get me started.
Thanks for your help ..............
November 17, 2004 at 12:44 am
Hm, here are some ideas if you want to do on the server.
Frank Kalis
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
My blog:[/url]
November 17, 2004 at 2:38 am
I came across the same thing recently and found this excellent piece of code stashed away in one of the forums. Unfortunately I cant find it now otherwise I would have just posted a link:
@vcList VARCHAR(8000),
@vcDelimiter VARCHAR(8000),
@TableName SYSNAME,
@ColumnName SYSNAME
@iPosEnd INT,
@iLenDelim INT,
@iExit INT,
@vcStr varchar(8000),
@vcSql varchar(8000)
SET @iPosStart = 1
SET @iPosEnd = 1
SET @iLenDelim = LEN(@vcDelimiter)
SET @vcSql = 'INSERT ' + @TableName + ' (' + @ColumnName + ') VALUES ('''
SET @iExit = 0
WHILE @iExit = 0
SET @iPosEnd = CHARINDEX(@vcDelimiter, @vcList, @iPosStart)
IF @iPosEnd <= 0
SET @iPosEnd = LEN(@vcList) + 1
SET @iExit = 1
SET @vcStr = SUBSTRING(@vcList, @iPosStart, @iPosEnd - @iPosStart)
EXEC(@vcSql + @vcStr + ''')')
SET @iPosStart = @iPosEnd + @iLenDelim
This will create the ListToTable sproc, then use in this manner:
CREATE TABLE #values ([PK] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, colName varchar(255) NOT NULL)
EXEC ListToTable @ColumnNames, '|', '#values', 'colName'
Obviously you will need a pipe delimited list passed into @ColumnNames but you can change the delimiter to whatever you want to use. Use the hash table #values to do whatever processing you need to do in the rest of your sproc.
Excellent article from Frank, requires some reading but should give you all the understanding you need.
Have fun
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November 18, 2004 at 3:18 am
Just as a totally off-the-wall idea, have you thought about building your your argument string into an XML stream from your ASP page (which you'd pass to your stored proc as e.g. an NVARCHAR(8000) ) and reading it using OPENXML.
Then you have effectively a temp table with your parameter values in and you could do a simple join.
Just a thought
November 18, 2004 at 5:14 am
how about using a udf ?
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