OLEDB Sql Command is taking too much time

  • Hi All,

    In OLEDB command source i am using sql command option to pull the records from the table. the table contains huge amount of data and i have to take based on max(effective_date) logic

    For example;Select secalis,coupon,sectype from secmaster sm where sm.effective_date=(select max(effective_date) from secmaster sm1 where sm1.secalias=sm.secalias)

    and sm.src_intfc_inst=(select instance from interface where short_desc='dd')

    the above query approximately pull 35000 records. likewise i have to pull records from 13 tables and finally i have to merge based on secalis value.

    The above said process is taking too much time to complete.

    Can someone guide how to tune this process?



  • Well, I'm not sure you provided enough information to give you a good answer. So here are some questions I can think of:

    Are all the tables in the same database or in databases on the same server? If, yes, you would probably be better off using a UNION in T-SQL to merge the data.

    Have you run the queries in SSMS and looked at the execution plans to see if there is a way to improve the queries by eliminating scans?

    Here is a modification of the one query you posted, that I think will perform better, but you will need to test it against your data and compare it to your current query:






    secmaster sm JOIN



    max(effective_date) AS max_date


    secmaster sm1



    ) AS dates

    sm.secalias = dates.secalias AND

    sm.effective_date = dates.max_date


    EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM interface WHERE short_desc = 'dd' AND instance = sm.src_intfc_inst)

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