OLAP and Local Cubes

  • My company develops a product called FocalPoint. It consists of 4 components : Operational Data Warehouse; Digital Dashboards; Reliability Centered Maintenance; & Reporting. It is mainly written using VB .Net and is designed to interact with either SQLServer or Oracle DB's. I am very new to this aspect of this company as I was originally hired on as a Java/Oracle PL/SQL consultant. I have not been tasked with figuring out how to create cubes in such a way that they can be deployed with the software so as to be used in either database. We don't want to have to create SQLServer cubes and Oracle cubes separately. I have found that with Analysis Manager, I can create these cubes very easily. I also discovered a tool yesterday that will convert these to local cubes. My biggest dilemma at this point is the question of whether or not this is the way to go. I can create these local cubes, I just don't know how to access them from either Oracle or SQLServer. Do I need to learn MDX in order to access them from SQLServer? What about from Oracle? Should we be using Pivot Tables? I am not really sure how the cubes fit in with our application and what their major use will be. I was just told that we want to have some generic cubes associated with our app that we can package up with it. Anyway, any advice anyone can give would be most appreciated. If you need more information, please contact me via email at ray.orgeron@obvient.com. Thanks.

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  • With VBA using the DSO structure you can create cube, dimensions, ...

    The only difference between Oracle en SQL Server as data source is the data source...

    This is an object you can also create in the VBA.


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