Odd problem - OK button not working in SSRS Admin

  • I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and SQL Server 2008/SSRS Development (R1 not R2) patched up to SP3

    If I try to get the the /Reports.aspx I get an error telling me i don't have sufficient permissions.

    I have followed instructions I have found on the web, but here is where I hit an odd problem.

    I can run IE as an administrator and get access to the Report Manager. However anything I try to do (create a new role, change permissions, upload a new report) always ends up with the same issue. The OK button does not do anything; it is enabled, I can click it, but nothing happens. I can click Cancel and I'm taken out of the screen as normal though. Nothing is being saved.

    I can also connect to Report Server using SSMS, but as soon as I try to open up a Role to change it, I'm told that "The permissions granted to xxx\xxxxx are insufficient for performing this operation (rsAccessDenied)(Report Services SOAP Proxy Source) and the same again with (rsAccessDenied)(ReportingServicesLibrary).

    Operator xxx\xxxx (i.e. my login) is a sysadmin on SQL Server, not that this has helped any.

    I've never had either of these happen before. Can anyone shed any light on what might be happening and how to fix the damned thing?

    Thanks in advance

    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
    It is by the Beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
    the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning.
    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

  • Hi Rayven,

    I experienced a similar issue recently. My problem ended up being that the application that was making use of SSRS had installed custom authentication and stripped out my own permissions.

    Not sure if I can help but lets have a go.

    Have you added your report manager (http://<computername>/reports) to your local trusted sites (and unticked require https)?

    Do you get the same result when accessing http://localhost/reports?

    Have you accessed this SSRS instance previously?

    Is this a new SSRS installation? If so, are you able to uninstall / reinstall?

    Did you perform the installation and configuration yourself?

    Are you a local administrator?

    Final question for now, have you installed any other applications since installing SSRS?

  • Already ahead of you on these.

    The http://localhost and http://<computername&gt; are already added to the trusted sites (and the settings turned right down to low). Https is unticked.

    I have been able to get to SSRS on my local machine previously (I know this because port 80 was unavailable so I had to configure it all for port 8080 and checked that everything was running at the time - also there is a report on there that I have published previously). FYI the network department use TeamViewer to get to the machines for maintenance which is why port 80 was unavailable - Teamviewer was installed way before SQL and SSRS and I have had SSRS running since then.

    I can uninstall and reinstall with no issues (other than time), I might have to give that a try this afternoon.

    All installation and configuration was done by myself and I am the local administrator of the machine.

    Nothing new has been installed - but there was one oddity now that you come to mention it - IE recently complained about it's security settings being incorrect and leaving me vulnerable (or something like that) and asked whether I wanted it fixed - like an idiot I said yes. I'm wondering if something happened then!

    Oh, and the same things happens when I try to access it as localhost. In fact, if I don't run IE as administrator it won't event let me do anything other than look at the home page or the manager. Running IE as administrator will at least let me click on anything other than the OK button! :crazy:

    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
    It is by the Beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
    the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning.
    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

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