ODBC help!!

  • Hi

    I am executing stored procedures through ODBC and binding the parameters using "Named Parameters" and I am facing problem if the stored procedures has return statement in it.

    Say for the case 1,

    Procedures without return values.

    CREATE PROCEDURE test @quote char(30) AS

    select * from TABLE1

    I am binding as follows (illustrated in msdn)

    SQLPrepare(hstmt, "{call test(?)}", SQL_NTS);

    SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT,

    SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_CHAR, 30, 0, szQuote, 0, &cbValue);

    SQLGetStmtAttr(hstmt,SQL_ATTR_IMP_PARAM_DESC, &hIpd, 0, 0);

    SQLSetDescField(hIpd, 1, SQL_DESC_NAME, "@quote", SQL_NTS);

    Case 2:

    Procedures with return values.

    CREATE PROCEDURE test @quote char(30) AS

    select * from TABLE1

    return @@RowCount

    So, for the above stored procedure (case 2) the prepare statement is as follows :-

    SQLPrepare(hstmt, "{? = call test(?)}", SQL_NTS);

    But will anyone pl tell me how to bind the return value and other parameters using "Named Parameters".


  • Infering from what ADO does, just create another parameter for the return but ensure you create it first, the name should be irelevant but sould be declare as a return rather than SQL_PARAM_INPUT and use integer.

    Just guessing really.

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled


    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP


  • Good guess Simon .

    Doing this from memory, Simon is right. The correct type is SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT. Just check SQLBindParam in the MSDN for more information.

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