ODBC error - help

  • Hi,

    I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me here. I got the following error when trying to create a view for the following query. This query comes from Access. I have Access database and would like to migrate it to SQL Server 2000 SP4.

    The query goes like this

    SELECT PSQuery.System_Name, PSQuery.FO_Name, PSQuery.FO_Order, PSQuery.FS_Name, PSQuery.Purpose, ProjectQuery.Project_Name, ProjectQuery.[Project Code], ProjectQuery.[2005/6], ProjectQuery.[2006/7], ProjectQuery.[2007/8], ProjectQuery.Reason_Code, ProjectQuery.Completion_Date, [Framework Outline].Objective, [Framework Outline].References AS Expr1, PSQuery.PN_ID

    FROM (ProjectQuery INNER JOIN PSQuery ON ProjectQuery.PS_ID = PSQuery.PS_ID) INNER JOIN [Framework Outline] ON PSQuery.FO_ID = [Framework Outline].FO_ID

    WHERE (((ProjectQuery.[Project Code])="C" Or (ProjectQuery.[Project Code])="c" Or (ProjectQuery.[Project Code])="O" Or (ProjectQuery.[Project Code])="o") AND ((ProjectQuery.Reason_Code)="E"))

    ORDER BY PSQuery.System_Name, PSQuery.FO_Order;

    When i copied and pasted this query into the view, the error message said

    ODBC error: [microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Invalid column name 'C'

    ODBC error: [microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Invalid column name 'c'

    ODBC error: [microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Invalid column name 'O'

    ODBC error: [microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Invalid column name 'o'

    ODBC error: [microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Invalid column name 'E'

    How do i get around this problem?


    Thank you in advance



  • You need to enclose the project codes in single quotes, as it stands the query is looking for columns called C, c etc. because the double-quotes are column identifiers, should be;

    WHERE (((ProjectQuery.[Project Code])='C' Or (ProjectQuery.[Project Code])='c'... etc...

    hope this helps...


  • SELECTPSQuery.System_Name,






    ProjectQuery.[Project Code],






    [Framework Outline].Objective,

    [Framework Outline].Reference,



    INNER JOINPSQuery ON PSQuery.PS_ID = ProjectQuery.PS_ID

    INNER JOIN[Framework Outline] ON [Framework Outline].FO_ID = PSQuery.FO_ID

    WHERE ProjectQuery.[Project Code] IN ('C', 'c', 'O', 'o')

    AND ProjectQuery.Reason_Code = 'E'

    ORDER BYPSQuery.System_Name,


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

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