ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server - Linked Server failure

  • Sorry again - just to clarify.

    Is the issue doing a select on a SQL Server instance to retrieve data from a Oracle db?

    or is it Oracle -->dblink-->sql Server1-->linked server (odbc)-->sql Server 2

    if this second one why not use the SQL Native client instead of the ODBC one?

  • Thank you very much for the response
    In this case its an SQL Linked Server connecting to an ODBC DSN that connects to a different SQL server.   
    The problem is after installing the ODBC Driver 17 to support TLS 1.2 and switching the DSN from using the old ODBC driver to the new version 17 driver I am having the trouble.  When I use the ODBC Driver Version 13 or 11 the linked server works fine.  Also if I uncheck Allow Inprocess the linked server works fine with the Version 17 driver.  
    The issue with the DBLink has been resolved.

    Your feedback is appreciated.


  • Also, I am looking into using SQL Native Client instead of ODBC, but for some reason it does not work.  I need to get this to work and then propose to management a change over.


  • jayoub - Thursday, February 28, 2019 7:28 AM

    Also, I am looking into using SQL Native Client instead of ODBC, but for some reason it does not work.  I need to get this to work and then propose to management a change over.

    what errors you getting?
    and for further help it may be useful to have the details of how the linked servers are setup e.g. pass through authentication, user/password and so on.
    SPN's set (if Windows authentication above)

  • I have stopped researching why the MSDASQL provider does not work using the ODBC Driver 17 on two of my three servers at this point.  I just reverted the ODBC to using either version 11 or 13 whatever is the highest available on the box. 

    I will discuss with management the use of the SQL Native Client instead and if I have trouble i will post again.

    Thank you for the help


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