ODBC cannot see user/group

  • Hi, we have a job that has been running for over 1 year. A few days ago it stopped sending out an e-mail once the processing is done. However, the job still runs and shows that it has been sucessful. I have traced the problem to the select statement in the xp_sendmail command below. When I comment out he query line, the command works fine. The error I get is also below. Thanks in advance.

    EXEC master..xp_sendmail

    @recipients = 'me@company.com',

    @query = 'select COUNT(1) FROM DPEVENTD',

    @width = 160, @no_header = 'TRUE',

    @subject = 'Test'

    ODBC error 8198 (42000) Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'DOMAINNAME\me.

  • I found that changing the @query variable to the following format helped solved a similar problem in the past.

    SELECT COUNT(1) FROM database.owner.tablename


  • Hi. I just tried this and I still get the same error message. Thanks for your help.

  • Could you check that the user DOMAINNAME\me has SELECT rights to your table DPEVENTD? SQLSTATE 42000 is for "syntax error or access violation"


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