OCA or MCDBA for new with not much knowledge who wants to make a career as DBA ??

  • Hey guys..

    i dont have much experience with databases but just studied oracle in my masters in IT, not much than that.... havent worked with databases...

    However after finishing my masters in australia i want to start my career in IT and want to work as DBA... Realized its hard for freshers without any experience to put a step in IT...

    Hence please suggest me some certifications which can help in my future n can help to gain some more certifications as well as practical knowledge ... i have done some research for MCDBA and OCA...But not sure with which i go ahead...

    Any suggestions regarding career advice and how to go ahead with this can be highly appreciated....

    Thanx a lot


  • hi rishi,

    MCDBA or OCA would only help you to get a job, however the real challenge comes with experience. I am a BI Technical Architect and have joined as a new-bie 5 yrs ago working in Cognos and datawarehouse. Now I am well enough to take on large projects.

    My advise will be to take on either of the certifications ( check the job websites - sometimes companies prefer certifications) and get on to a job and carry on from there to be an expert.

    Best of Luck

  • My advice would be try and get a job on application support where the backend is sql and they will let you train up in SQL. that way you will learn more and more sql stuff without trying to go straight in as a DBA (not a lot of companies will trust someone with no experience)

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