Obtaining Sum Totals for a record

  • Hi

    I have a table with the following design:

    TableID Int

    UserID Int

    TimeKeep TinyInt

    WorkQuality TinyInt

    Attitude TinyInt

    Where the user gets rated out of 10 for each of the fields (TimeKeep, WorkQuality and Attitude).

    What I would like is to add up all the records for each user so that I get an overall total as follows:

    User1 = Sum(TimeKeep) + Sum(WorkQuality) + Sum(Attitude) Where UserID = 1

    User2 = Sum(TimeKeep) + Sum(WorkQuality) + Sum(Attitude) Where UserID = 2

    User3 = Sum(TimeKeep) + Sum(WorkQuality) + Sum(Attitude) Where UserID = 3

    And so on, so that I get a final total for each user.

    Hope I'm clear enough and someone knows of an easy way to perform this or can point me to any relevant articles.

    Thanks in advance


  • Select TableID, UserID , Sum(TimeKept + WorkQuality +Attitude) As Total

    From YourTable

    Group by TableID, UserID

    Order by TableID, UserID


    * Noel

  • Brendan - it sounds like you already know what to do:


    select userID, (sum(timeKept) + sum(workQuality) + sum(Attitude)) as sumTotal

    group by userID


    noel - is your typing speed faster than Remi's ?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • >> noel - is your typing speed faster than Remi's ?! <<


    Not really, I got lucky this time


    * Noel

  • All, thanks for your help. As always in this forum, the help is spot on and replies are lightning fast.

    Keep up the good work.


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