Objects ownership in SQL2000

  • Hello,

    We have SQL 2000 and SQL 2005.

    I have created a login called "A" using windows authentication and assigned DBO role to the login. When login A create any procedure in SQL 2005 and the owner of the object sets to DBO. But samething if we do in SQL 2000, the object owner set as "A". It does not go as DBO owner. If we give Sysadmin server role to the login A, the object created as DBO. Is it bug with SQL 2000 or is there any other workaround to solve this problem.


  • Do you mean it's a member of the db_owner role?

    If that's the case, you must specify the owner during object creation. For instance:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Foo (Moo int);


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks.. It's for the deployment purpose. Sometime the developer does not specify the prefix as dbo. I would like to handle this kind of scenario.


  • Then you will need to use sp_changeobjectowner to change the ownership of the object, if that's the case. A simple script will do this. Something like this should build the appropriate commands to execute:

    SELECT 'EXEC sp_changeobjectowner ''[' + USER_NAME(uid) + '].[' + name + ']'', ''dbo'';'

    FROM sysobjects

    WHERE uid <> USER_ID('dbo');

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Or do a simple search of scripts built by the developer. If they can't remember to add dbo., perhaps you can reject their scripts until they do

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