October 5, 2010 at 3:46 pm
I am working on a production DB where I want to use simple auditing triggers to write to another (audit) database on the same instance. The triggers I have implemented are failing with 'no object of that name' type errors.
if the table where the source database exists is called:
db name: sourcedb
table name: customers.orders
and the destination.
db name:auditdb
table name customers.ordersaudit
what should I use as the destination table name in the trigger?
I have tried
auditdb.customers.ordersaudit (where customers is the schema) and
Neither are working.
I can query the audit table from the source database using the same security and using the fully qualified name i.e.
select * from auditdb.customers.ordersaudit, but the trigger cannot find the table when I use
October 5, 2010 at 3:50 pm
It goes [database].[schema].
So.. [auditdb].[orders].[customers.ordersaudit] ?
You need to put brackets around names that have spaces, periods, etc in them.
October 6, 2010 at 2:17 am
Sorry Derrick,
I had a mistake in my example (Late night).
The schema is customers, not orders, I have no periods in the table name
So, tablename is auditdb.customers.ordersaudit (where customers is the schema).
Sor some reason, when I try to use the database.schema.tablename to get at the table from the trigger, it fails.
auditdb.customers.ordersaudit (where customers is the schema)
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