Object Explorer "CREATE DATE" display for objects

  • In SQL 2005's Object Explorer I am viewing the Stored Procedures (under Programmability).  I don't see the CREATE DATE column for the procs.  (this was a nice feature in SQL 2000)

    Is there a way to see the various objects (Tables, Views, Procs) "CREATE DATE" in Object Explorer in 2005? 

  • Hello Bill,

    You can check up through this query

    Select crdate as DateCreated

    From dbo.sysobjects

    where name = 'your_proc_name'

    This has been detailed in today's editorial

    SQL 2000 to SQL 2005: Where have all the old features gone? by Boris Baliner



  • thx for the suggestion .. not to sound unappreciative, but I'm aware that I can query the catalog to derive attributes for various objects (eg. DateCreated) .. but this is quite inconvenient. 

    Beggers can't be chooser's I guess....

  • You can see date created for objects from object explorer in sql server 2005. For that Just choose "Details" option from object explorer

  • The "Created" column does not show the time. Is there a way to display this?

  • Adam Heard (5/7/2008)

    The "Created" column does not show the time. Is there a way to display this?

    Not possible.

    SQL DBA.

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