object browser displaying unwanted stuff in query analzyer

  • HI. I set up a sql server userid/password to be used in query analyzer to access 1 user database. 

    1. Why when the user displays the object browser does it show the MASTER database and its' tables?


    2. I DENIED access to some of the tables in the users database and it still displays those tables. Granite, I did a select on those particular tables and it was denied but I was hoping it wouldn't even SHOW the tables in the object browser.

    any suggestions?



  • QA is administrative tool.  Personally I would not be happy if some databases/tables didn't show up just because I haven't been given read access.  However, I understand what you want.  It would be nice in some cases to have a tool that just shows stuff you have access too. 

    If you you some other tool maybe you may not see eveything.  For example if you used Excel  (or anything else that uses an ODBC connection) then by setting your connection string to point to the database to which the user has access, they would only see that database.  


  • And you are right about other tools only showing what is necessary. We have CRYSTAL reports here which is great. but at the same time some people choose to use query analzyer and it's all out in the open. Thanks for the input .


  • If you remove guest and public rights from the databases on the server then users will no longer be able to see them in QA.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • If guest is removed from master then anyone wanting to execute stored procs that exist in master will not be able to unless they are a member of some server role that has access regardless or they specically have access.  This may be an issue depending on what you may have stored in master.  Or what the user wants to do.  Do they need to access any system stored procs (sp_helpdb etc) 

    On the other hand not having access may be a good thing.  It depends.  I'd be very careful about this.  I store some procs in master I want everyone to have access to from any database.  (very few but still...)


  • THANKS for all the pointers. I'm not sure what to do here. I will keep all these things in mind!



  • Make sure you set the user's default database to be a database OTHER THAN Master.  That way, Master will not show in Query Analyzer unless explicitly chosen.

    Connecticut, USA

  • HI Dana,

    There default database is their user database and master still displays in QA. any suggestions. now i didn't remove the guest userid either.  


  • Juanita: 

    If you don't remove the guest id I can't think of any way to make 'master' not display in the object browser. If you remove 'guest' you may create problems. It seems a bit of a catch 22. I always worry about giving users access to a powerful tool like QA where one could write bad queries and bring the system to a halt. Even if this is a read only database just for reporting, bad things could still happen but at least they couldn’t alter production data.

    Have you considered offering another tool if appropriate. Assuming the users want to write reports of sorts, perhaps a real report writing tool.Some reporting tools are not that pricey and may offer the users easier ways of doing things.  If you stick with QA you may be stuck with its limitations.   Perhaps your manager has some money left in the budget.


  • THANK YOU SO MUCH... You just confirmed my initial feelings about giving query analzyer to our programmers. but it was made to sound i was ridiculous to not allow them to use it. Actually they can do this thru crystal which they all have.

    I appreciate your thoughts! oh and i did read that you are not to remove guest from master.



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