(o^_') ROOT of all numbers

  • (o^_')

    Hi guys... ok, ok... and gals,

    I'm not sure, if i placed this post in the right section.

    I was just wondering, is there a method for a ROOT. I'm not talking about the ROOT in XML or the ROOT of a plant or the ROOT of all evil or whatever, I'm talking about ROOT like a square ROOT or cube ROOT... I found a method for Square ROOT, but not the other roots.

    When I try to search it in search engines, I only see ROOTs for Square and XML.

    Actually, I have no use of it for now. I'm just studying what else I can do with SQL 2005...

    I hope you guys... and gals, can help me.

    By the way, sorry for the bad english (T_T) I'm only 3 years old and just finished my A B C's... (O.o)

    Oh yeah, one more thing, it would be better if you could give me something for SQL server 2005 or lower cause that's what I'm currently using




    [font="Comic Sans MS"]Quatrei Quorizawa[/font]

    "Press any key...
    Where the heck is the any key?
    hmmm... Let's see... there's ESC, CTRL, Page Up...
    but no any key"
    - Homer Simpson
  • (T_T) man, sorry, i miss typed the topic description. Its "OTHERS" not "ATHERS" . Sorry, I'm only 3 (O.o)...

    By the way, where can you change the topic description of the one you posted???

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]Quatrei Quorizawa[/font]

    "Press any key...
    Where the heck is the any key?
    hmmm... Let's see... there's ESC, CTRL, Page Up...
    but no any key"
    - Homer Simpson
  • Here's an example of the cube root of 27...

    select POWER(1.0 * 27, 1.0 / 3)

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Oh man, those memories from Math 101 lessons...


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • When you use the POWER function, you will get better results if you cast all the parameters to float. If needed, round the result.



    CubeRootNumeric= power(1.0*MyNum,1.0/3),

    CubeRootFloat= power(convert(float,MyNum),1E/3E)


    (-- Test Data

    selectMyNum = 1union all

    selectMyNum = 2union all

    selectMyNum = 3union all

    selectMyNum = 11union all

    selectMyNum = 26union all

    selectMyNum = 27union all

    selectMyNum = 28

    ) a


    MyNum CubeRootNumeric CubeRootFloat

    ----------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------

    1 1.0 1.0

    2 1.3 1.2599210498948732

    3 1.4 1.4422495703074083

    11 2.2 2.2239800905693152

    26 3.0 2.9624960684073702

    27 3.0 3.0

    28 3.0 3.0365889718756622

  • LOLZ

    Man, thanks, I forgot about that. I remembered it as 27 raised to the -3 and not 1/3. man , i need t review my lessons T__T.

    I remember doing that equation once for a programming language with no root also, forgot what that language was.


    Whats MATH 101, i only know basic math from my book entitled My first 123's. Hey I'm just 3 years old. 😛

    Thanks for reminding me about that. helped alot... not only in my database

    Hmmm, this was my first post in a forum (well except from the comments in youtube) and its great that you really get your answers here. ^__^ thanks. this site is COOL

    (I hope my teacher doesn't read this post)

    Thank you very much

    :)RyanRandall:) AND :)Michael Valentine Jones:)

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]Quatrei Quorizawa[/font]

    "Press any key...
    Where the heck is the any key?
    hmmm... Let's see... there's ESC, CTRL, Page Up...
    but no any key"
    - Homer Simpson

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