Nvarchar Max no of character size

  • I am trying to Select data from a table for nvarchar max datatype column.

    it gives me 43769 charcters only. When I check the column lengh it gives me 238894 length.

    CREATE TABLE Test_NtextData







    WHILE (@I<=50000)


    SET @Ntext=@Ntext+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(100),@I)

    SET @I=@I+1


    INSERT INTO Test_NtextData

    SELECT @Ntext

    SELECT LEN(Data) from Test_NtextData ---238894 character length

    SELECT Data from Test_NtextData ---it gives 43679 Charters only

    My concern is why i am getting 43679 characters in select insted of 238894 charcter. and if i wanted to use that entire column data for further processing then how can i use it.

  • Your client may be limiting the number of characters returned. It may limit either the total returned or the amount returned per column. For instance, SSMS limits output to 65,535 characters when output to grid. Try the following instead:

    SELECT Data from Test_NtextData

    FOR XML PATH('')

    This will output the data as XML. SSMS allows XML text up to 2GB.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen (12/29/2015)

    Your client may be limiting the number of characters returned. It may limit either the total returned or the amount returned per column. For instance, SSMS limits output to 65,535 characters when output to grid. Try the following instead:

    SELECT Data from Test_NtextData

    FOR XML PATH('')

    This will output the data as XML. SSMS allows XML text up to 2GB.


    This works. Interesting how the actual number of characters returned is 43,679 though (regardless of the 65,535 limit). I tried setting the limit to 30,000 and that worked perfectly.

  • Phil Parkin (12/29/2015)

    drew.allen (12/29/2015)

    Your client may be limiting the number of characters returned. It may limit either the total returned or the amount returned per column. For instance, SSMS limits output to 65,535 characters when output to grid. Try the following instead:

    SELECT Data from Test_NtextData

    FOR XML PATH('')

    This will output the data as XML. SSMS allows XML text up to 2GB.


    This works. Interesting how the actual number of characters returned is 43,679 though (regardless of the 65,535 limit). I tried setting the limit to 30,000 and that worked perfectly.

    Seems to be a bug/issue in SSMS. It was reported (https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/499608/ssms-can-not-paste-more-than-43679-characters-from-a-column-in-grid-mode), and closed as not reproducible.

    I've reproduced it on all SSMS versions I have starting with 2008 (in 2005 I continue to get the expected number of characters past 43,679 until the maximum) and going to 2014.

    For ease of reproducing:



  • Jacob Wilkins (12/29/2015)

    Seems to be a bug/issue in SSMS. It was reported (https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/499608/ssms-can-not-paste-more-than-43679-characters-from-a-column-in-grid-mode), and closed as not reproducible.

    Precisely why I don't even bother with CONNECT except to see what they haven't fixed and won't. That way I know what to do workarounds for. 😉

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