nvarchar - int comparisions

  • I have an nvarchar column size which has values like 1200 MB

    How do I compare in a where clause :

    where size > 1000 in a select clause and get the relevant results

    Cannot redefine column to int or any other datatype.


  • Not enough information here to give you any meaningful help.  Do some values have "KB" or "GB" instead of "MB".  What sort of comparisons do you want to do?  You'll need to strip off the "MB" and then convert to int (or decimal if appropriate).  If you do indeed have other units then you'll need CASE expressions to multiply by 1000.


  • Please post a repro with DDL for a table, some insert statements and then a query. Please format code using the "Insert/edit code sample" button in the toolbar.

  • CREATE TABLE [dbo].[A]([DatabaseName] [nvarchar](1000) NULL, [DBSize] [nvarchar](1000) NULL) 
    insert into A values (DatabaseA , 580960.00 MB)
    insert into A values(DatabaseB, 23523.00 GB)
    insert into A values(DatabaseC,234.00 KB)

    Table values:

    DatabaseA   580960.00 MB

    DatabaseB   23523.00 GB

    DatabaseC    234.00 KB

    How do I return only the numbers excluding MB KB GB in a select clause

  • mtz676 wrote:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[A]([DatabaseName] [nvarchar](1000) NULL, [DBSize] [nvarchar](1000) NULL) 
    insert into A values (DatabaseA , 580960.00 MB)
    insert into A values(DatabaseB, 23523.00 GB)
    insert into A values(DatabaseC,234.00 KB)

    Table values:

    DatabaseA   580960.00 MB

    DatabaseB   23523.00 GB

    DatabaseC    234.00 KB

    How do I return only the numbers excluding MB KB GB in a select clause


    Your SQL inserts do not work.  I'm not looking to fix your sample code.

    Try this, maybe it will work

    SELECT DatabaseName, DBSize = LEFT(DBSize, CHARINDEX(' ', DBSize))
    FROM A
  • Basically, you need to find the end of the number. CHARINDEX() can help, looking for a space, but if your data is not consistent, this might be an issue. You could also look for a "B" and then subtract back to get to the number and substring that out.

    Please fix DDL and inserts. We should be able to run code on our machine, which can't see your database, and reproduce a setup.

  • If the column DBSize is consistent then this may work

    declare @SomeTable table
    DatabaseName nvarchar(1000) not null,
    DBSize nvarchar(1000) not null

    insert into @SomeTable values('DatabaseA', '580960.00 KB');
    insert into @SomeTable values('DatabaseB', '23523.00 MB');
    insert into @SomeTable values('DatabaseC', '234.00 GB');

    select a.DatabaseName,
    when right(a.DBSize, 2) = 'GB' then
    cast(cast(left(a.DBSize, charindex(' ', a.DBSize)) as numeric) as int) * 1000000
    when right(a.DBSize, 2) = 'MB' then
    cast(cast(left(a.DBSize, charindex(' ', a.DBSize)) as numeric) as int) * 1000
    cast(cast(left(a.DBSize, charindex(' ', a.DBSize)) as numeric) as int)
    end as DBSizeInKB
    from @SomeTable as a
    order by a.DBSize;
  • Here's a simplification of Jonas' method above.

    --===== Create the test table and populate it.
    -- This is NOT a part of the solution.
    DECLARE @SomeTable TABLE
    DatabaseName NVARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO @SomeTable
    VALUES (N'DatabaseA', N'580960.00 KB')
    ,(N'DatabaseB', N'23523.00 MB')
    ,(N'DatabaseC', N'234.00 GB')
    SELECT * FROM @SomeTable
    --===== Isolate the numeric disk size and set it to the common "MB" scale
    -- for comparison purposes. (Proposed solution).
    SELECT DatabaseName
    * CASE RIGHT(DBSize,2) --Convert to MB for comparison purposes
    WHEN N'GB' THEN 1024
    WHEN N'KB' THEN 0.0009765625 -- 1/2024.0
    FROM @SomeTable

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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