Numeric to time

  • Hiya,

    I have a column with datatype numeric(19,4) which can have negative numbers. These are stored in H.M format so -0.5700 would represent -00:57:00 in time equivalent.

    Is it possible to convert the numeric datatype into something which looks like time?


  • See if this helps:

    -- Source table with some sample values

    DECLARE @source TABLE (

    id int, -- to identify the converted values in the destination table

    decCol decimal(19,4)


    -- some sample values

    INSERT INTO @source VALUES(1, -0.5700)

    INSERT INTO @source VALUES(2, -3.5713)

    INSERT INTO @source VALUES(3, 0.5700)

    INSERT INTO @source VALUES(4, 3.5713)

    -- destination table

    DECLARE @destination TABLE (

    id int,

    timeCol time


    -- CTE with dateparts from the numeric value

    ;WITH DateParts AS (

    SELECT id,

    hours = CAST(decCol AS int),

    minutes = (decCol - CAST(decCol AS int)) * 100,

    seconds = (decCol ) * 10000 -

    CAST(((decCol - CAST(decCol AS int)) * 100) AS int) * 100 -

    CAST(decCol AS int) * 10000

    FROM @source


    INSERT INTO @destination

    SELECT id,

    DATEADD(second, seconds,

    DATEADD(minute, minutes,

    DATEADD(hour, hours, 0)



    FROM DateParts

    -- select out converted values

    SELECT * FROM @destination

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Not quite. It converted my numeric value from -0.5700 to 23:03:00.

  • lanky_doodle (6/8/2011)

    Not quite. It converted my numeric value from -0.5700 to 23:03:00.

    That's what -00:57:00 looks to me.

    What does a negative time mean to you?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • D'oh. Of course. -0.5700 is 57 minutes short of 0.00 (midnight), which is where 23:03:00 comes from.

    But that is not what I need. The value in the numeric column is basically the time they owe (negative) or are owed (positive). So my -0.5700 should be displayed as -00:57:00, not 0.00 minus 00:57:00 = 23:03:00

    If someone is owed time, say 1.5800, that should be displayed as 01:58:00.

    Make sense?


  • I think it's just a display issue, then.

    Try this:

    -- Source table with some sample values

    DECLARE @source TABLE (

    id int, -- to identify the converted values in the destination table

    decCol decimal(19,4)


    -- some sample values

    INSERT INTO @source VALUES(1, -0.5700)

    INSERT INTO @source VALUES(2, -3.5713)

    INSERT INTO @source VALUES(3, 0.5700)

    INSERT INTO @source VALUES(4, 3.5713)

    -- CTE with dateparts from the numeric value

    ;WITH DateParts AS (

    SELECT id,

    SGN = SIGN(decCol),

    hours = ABS(CAST(decCol AS int)),

    minutes = ABS((decCol - CAST(decCol AS int)) * 100),

    seconds = ABS((decCol ) * 10000 -

    CAST(((decCol - CAST(decCol AS int)) * 100) AS int) * 100 -

    CAST(decCol AS int) * 10000)

    FROM @source



    REPLACE(STR(hours,2,0),' ','0') + ':' +

    REPLACE(STR(minutes,2,0),' ','0') + ':' +

    REPLACE(STR(seconds,2,0),' ','0')

    FROM DateParts

    -- Gianluca Sartori

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